

python Programming Glossary: manages

Unit and functional testing a PySide-based application?


write a unit test that submits data to the controller that manages the model and submenu and asserts that both the model and submenu..

Processing single file from multiple processes in python


4 print results A Pool is a convenience object that manages its own processes. Since an open file can iterate over its lines..

Clean way to get near-LIFO behavior from multiprocessing.Queue? (or even just *not* near-FIFO)


Could someone point me to the code for the thread that manages the actual storage structure behind multiprocessing.Queue It..

Get full traceback


level to the current frame code traceback.extract_stack manages it just fine. The problem is that the information obtained by..

Is there a better way to store a twoway dictionary than storing its inverse separate? [duplicate]


way Should I instead write a class Bijection dict which manages this inverted dictionary in addition and provides a second lookup..

Solving thread cleanup on paramiko


happen when you exit the interpreter. Anything that manages a context such as connections is a context manager For example..

Check if any alert exists using selenium with python


test with selenium in python language for a web page that manages users. In this page someone can add role for users and if a..

unicode error when saving an object in django admin


into the database. Does anybody know how the Django admin manages unicode Any info pointer or idea that can help to fix this problem..

How do I implement a simple cross platform Python daemon?


rewrite it as a simple server that runs in the background manages communications through sockets and perform its tasks. It will..

How to correct bugs in this Damerau-Levenshtein implementation?


the code to Cython. on my test data the reference method manages to deliver results for 11 000 comparisons for pairs of words..

How to upload multiple files to BlobStore?


that I can store those on another Entity. The code above manages to get the key for image_blob_info but not thumb_blob_info...

How to write a download progress indicator in Python?


clue that processing is underway. The ProgressBar class manages the progress and the format of the line is given by a number..

Regular expression group capture with multiple matches


How does Python's “super” do the right thing?


I'm curious how the object returned from super actually manages to communicate to calls of super in the parent classes the correct..

Screenscaping aspx with Python Mechanize - Javascript form submission


the next page Whatever I throw at the scraper it only ever manages to load the first results page. Even being able to change the..

Alternative implementations of python/setuptools entry points (extensions) in other languages/applications


information on how stuff is managed there. Maven manages plugins with their dependencies and metadata so it seems like..

Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) in Python


attacks through regexes in web queries and such. It manages this by forbidding backreferences which cause a regex to stop..

Why is my MergeSort so slow in Python?


args lambda name args You then write a trampoline that manages calls to thunks it applies a thunk until the thunk returns a..