

python Programming Glossary: os.devnull

How to hide output of subprocess in Python 2.7


output to DEVNULL import os import subprocess FNULL open os.devnull 'w' retcode subprocess.call 'echo' 'foo' stdout FNULL stderr..

How do I get all of the output from my .exe using subprocess and Popen?


input even an empty one set stdin import os with open os.devnull 'rb' as DEVNULL output qx cmd stdin DEVNULL # use subprocess.DEVNULL.. os from subprocess import STDOUT check_call as x with open os.devnull 'rb' as DEVNULL open 'output.txt' 'wb' as f x cmd stdin DEVNULL..

Cross platform /dev/null in Python


process. python share improve this question How about os.devnull import os f open os.devnull w zookeeper.set_log_stream f share..

Why is printing to stdout so slow? Can it be sped up?


s n cmd t cmd print with stdout dev null sys.stdout file os.devnull w startTime_s time.time for x in range lineCount fp.write line..

How do I prevent a C shared library to print on stdout in python?


contextmanager @contextmanager def stdout_redirected to os.devnull ''' import os with stdout_redirected to filename print from..

Python: Temporarily Redirect stdout/stderr


self.old_stderr if __name__ '__main__' devnull open os.devnull 'w' print 'Fubar' with RedirectStdStreams stdout devnull stderr..

How to temporary hide stdout or stderr while running a unittest in Python


sys os _stderr sys.stderr _stdout sys.stdout null open os.devnull 'wb' sys.stdout sys.stderr null print Bleh sys.stderr _stderr..

spawning process from python


# redirect stdin stdout and stderr to dev null os.open os.devnull os.O_RDWR # standard input 0 os.dup2 0 1 os.dup2 0 2 # and finally..

Redirecting FORTRAN (called via F2PY) output in Python


will run fortran function # open 2 fds null_fds os.open os.devnull os.O_RDWR for x in xrange 2 # save the current file descriptors..