

python Programming Glossary: passwordinput

wtforms Form class subclassing and field ordering


password TextField u'Password' validators.Required widget PasswordInput email TextField u'Email' validators.Optional validators.Email.. password TextField u'Password' validators.Optional widget PasswordInput But the password field is placed after the email field not before... TextField u'Password' validators.Optional widget PasswordInput super UpdateUserForm self .__init__ kwargs Some thoughts.....

How to render my select field with WTForms?


PasswordField _ 'Password' validators.Optional widget PasswordInput email TextField _ 'Email' validators.Required message _ 'Email.. 'nouser' message _ 'Password is required' widget MyPasswordInput email TextField _ 'Email' validators.Required message _ 'Email..

How can i compare password with retypepassword during registering/creating account without having a field 'retyppassword' in models.py?


'password' 'passwordrepeat' 'email' widgets 'password' PasswordInput 'passwordrepeat' PasswordInput views.py def register request.. widgets 'password' PasswordInput 'passwordrepeat' PasswordInput views.py def register request flag True possible '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.. class UsersModelForm forms.ModelForm passwordrepeat forms.PasswordInput class Meta model Users def clean self cleaned_data self.cleaned_data..