

python Programming Glossary: penalty

Migrating Django Application to Google App Engine?


Engine and several other options. I wondered what kind of penalty I will incur if I develop a complete Django application assuming..

Does performance differs between Python or C++ coding of OpenCV?


performance. I remember I read somewhere that performance penalty is 1 don't remember where. A rough estimate with some basic.. with some basic functions in OpenCV shows a worst case penalty of 4 . ie penalty maximum time taken in Python minimum time.. functions in OpenCV shows a worst case penalty of 4 . ie penalty maximum time taken in Python minimum time taken in C minimum..

After C++ - Python or Java? [closed]


easy to just Get Things Done. Yes there is a performance penalty for interpreted languages but often this is of little to no..

Python: sort a part of a list, in place


that Python copies only object references so the speed penalty won't be that huge compared to a real in place sort as one would..

How do I make a defaultdict safe for unexpecting clients?


Classifying Documents into Categories


should try to train a logistic regression model using a L1 penalty as explained in this example of scikit learn this is a wrapper..

numpy float: 10x slower than builtin in arithmetic operations?


5 times slower than float64 Is there any way to avoid the penalty of using np.float64 and have numpy functions return built in..

Are Python inner functions compiled?


is called Do inner functions incur any performance penalty at all python share improve this question To give a general..

What is the actual impact of calling socket.recv with a bufsize that is not a power of 2?


into a system call kernel space and there is a performance penalty for the transition. It is always preferable to get as much data..

Is there a good way to do this type of mining?


same group but are separated by S_i spaces then we have a penalty of K S_i . So we have a trade off. We want horizontal groups..

python - Read file from and to specific lines of text


Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


but when you are reading millions of lines the performance penalty is significant. Fortunately the library designers decided that..