

python Programming Glossary: picked

Directing Sublime Text 2 Packages to the correct python installation


depend on that install to break. But that's the version picked up by the package SublimeREPL Python 2.7.1 r271 86832 Jun 25..

Python random lines from subfolders


line should be deleted or marked so it will be not picked in the next execution. This may be too broad a question but.. you run the random.sample choices the tasks previously picked will no longer be available for picking the next time. This..

Python file.tell() giving strange numbers?


comment by Catalin Iacob is I tried to reproduce this picked a file on my disk and indeed I got a negative number but that..

python csv into dictionary


s Student.sports.count s # Printing sports that are not picked allsports 'Basketball' 'Football' 'Other' 'Baseball' 'Handball'..

python random string generation with upper case letters and digits


we will ask Python to create 'n' times a random character picked from a sequence of characters random.choice abcde 'a' random.choice.. sequence of size characters. Characters that are randomly picked from chars random.choice 'abcde' for x in range 3 'a' 'b' 'b'..

differences between “d = dict()” and “d = {}”


prefers words to punctuation it's one of the reasons I've picked Python over Perl for example. Life is better without braces..

How are Python's Built In Dictionaries Implemented


uses random probing . In random probing the next slot is picked in a pseudo random order. The entry is added to the first empty..

Extracting text from HTML file using Python


Soup but I've had a few problems using it. For one it picked up unwanted text such as JavaScript source. Also it did not..

How to properly use relative or absolute imports in Python modules?


name with another module on the system which one will be picked depends on the order in sys.path. Since the current dir is usually.. the current dir is usually the first local modules will be picked if available i.e. if you've got an 'os.py' file in the current.. got an 'os.py' file in the current working dir it'll be picked instead of the builtin one. A possibile suggestion is foo.py..

Whats the best way to start learning django?


that are aimed at your version where possible. Once you've picked a version make sure you always read the correct version of the..

Step by step setting up python with pip and virtualenv?


it using sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper I originally picked up this information from Jesse Noller's article SO YOU WANT..

Color values in imshow for matplotlib?


interpolated value from the image rather than rounding the picked x y and selecting from the original array. Anyway from matplotlib..

Charts in django Web Applications


improve this question Another choice is CairoPlot . We picked matplotlib over the others for some serious graphing inside..

how to detect whether a python variable is a function?


1 in NameError name 'function' is not defined The reason I picked that is because type x type 'function' python share improve..

Recommendation for straight-forward python frameworks


in the more lightweight 'LAMP' style. I've recently picked up python and am quite liking what I see so far but there isn't..

Programming with hardware in python [closed]


you can achieve some pretty incredible results once you've picked up the basics. I warn you though it's a slippery slope once..