

python Programming Glossary: plt.draw

Dynamically updating plot in matplotlib


new_data hl.set_ydata numpy.append hl.get_ydata new_data plt.draw Then when you receive data from the serial port just call update_line..

Matplotlib basemap: Popup box


should_be_visible if visibility_changed plt.draw on_move_id fig.canvas.mpl_connect 'motion_notify_event' on_move..

How to force errorbars to render last with Matplotlib


in range 122 ax.errorbar range 50 rand 50 yerr .3 rand 50 plt.draw Hacky work around fig plt.figure ax plt.gca ax.plot rand 50.. in range 122 ax.errorbar range 50 rand 50 yerr .3 rand 50 plt.draw report as an issue to matploblib https github.com matplotlib..

Figure GUI freezing


plt.title Error plt.ylabel 'Activation' plt.xlabel 'Time' plt.draw name1 'data Conditionnement.eps' plt.savefig name1 dpi 256 plt.draw.. name1 'data Conditionnement.eps' plt.savefig name1 dpi 256 plt.draw del fichier fichier1 min i i 1 time.sleep 3 plt.show I did not..

How to prevent numbers being changed to exponential form in Python matplotlib figure


ax.get_xaxis .get_major_formatter .set_useOffset False plt.draw If you want to avoid scientific notation in general ax.get_xaxis..

Matplotlib: Aligning y-ticks to the left


# re size first the shift needs to be in display units plt.draw # this is needed because get_window_extent needs a renderer..

Can you plot live data in matplotlib?


plt.ion plt.show while True plt.pause 1 ln.set_ydata data plt.draw If you want to go really fast you should look into blitting...

Matplotlib autoscale


lines plt.axes .set_aspect 'equal' 'datalim' plt.draw plt.show This creates a plot however the window is always the..

How to update a plot with python and Matplotlib


name return page.figure def Update self self.gSheet1.clear plt.draw print Tried to redraw app wx.App JBC None 1 Test Title app.MainLoop.. name return page.figure def Update self self.gSheet1.clear plt.draw print Tried to redraw if __name__ '__main__' app wx.App frame..

Continuous 3D plotting (i.e. figure update) using python-matplotlib?


1 cstride 1 cmap cm.jet linewidth 0 antialiased False plt.draw # redraw the canvas time.sleep 1 The problem I have with this.. not sure if the calls of 'self.ax.plot_surface ... ' and 'plt.draw ' would update the figure as I would like it. So is this class.. 1 cstride 1 cmap cm.jet linewidth 0 antialiased False # plt.draw maybe you want to see this frame def drawNow self heightR self.surf.remove..

matplot - store image in variable


as I have to embed the image in a html file. plt.show plt.draw does nothing when executed from command line python html image..

set_data and autoscale_view matplotlib


2 2 #this works but i cannot afford to do this. plt.draw plt.show #does not show auto scaled I have referred to these.. So you'll need to add two lines before your plt.draw call after the set_data call axes.relim axes.autoscale_view..

multiple axis in matplotlib with different scales
