

python Programming Glossary: pygame.surface

how to use pygame set_alpha() on a picture


1066 600 #Drawable surface background pygame.Surface screen.get_size #Used for converting color maps background background.convert.. window pygame.display.set_mode 1500 800 background pygame.Surface window.get_rect .width window.get_rect .height background.fill..

Render anti-aliased text on transparent surface in pygame


surf.get_width max_width max_width surf.get_width result pygame.Surface max_width height result.fill 255 0 255 result.set_colorkey 255..

Pygame- window and sprite class - python


None self.width width self.height height self.foreground pygame.Surface width height self.background pygame.Surface width height self.rect.. pygame.Surface width height self.background pygame.Surface width height self.rect self.foreground.get_rect def clear self.. self.foreground 0 0 # def draw_world self image temp pygame.Surface self.rect.size pygame.SRCALPHA 32 .convert_alpha image_rect..

Image Cropping using Python


box and blit it onto canvas screen.blit px px.get_rect im pygame.Surface width height im.fill 128 128 128 pygame.draw.rect im 32 32 32..