

python Programming Glossary: pyplot.figure

2D and 3D Scatter Histograms from arrays in Python


ax 0 points.append xs i ys j v points np.array points fig pyplot.figure sub pyplot.scatter points 0 points 1 color 'black' marker 'o'.. points.append xs i ys j zs k v points np.array points fig pyplot.figure sub fig.add_subplot 111 projection '3d' sub.scatter points 0..

Setting the size of the plotting canvas in Matplotlib


there a simple way to achieve that The option figsize of pyplot.figure seems to set the overall size of the figure not that of the..

Matplotlib runs out of memory when plotting in a loop


on each loop from matplotlib import pyplot while True fig pyplot.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot x y ax.legend legendStrings loc..

Matplotlib - label each bin


'Agg' import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot ... fig pyplot.figure ax fig.add_subplot 1 1 1 n bins patches ax.hist measurements..

2D grid data visualization in Python


by linearly interpolating through a series of colors fig pyplot.figure 2 cmap2 mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list 'my_colormap'..

Plot logarithmic axes with matplotlib in python


as pyplot a pow 10 i for i in range 10 fig pyplot.figure ax fig.add_subplot 2 1 1 line ax.plot a color 'blue' lw 2 show.. as pyplot a pow 10 i for i in range 10 fig pyplot.figure ax fig.add_subplot 2 1 1 line ax.plot a color 'blue' lw 2 ax.set_yscale..

Matplotlib savefig with a legend outside the plot


as pyplot x 0 1 2 3 4 y xx xx for xx in x fig pyplot.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 box ax.get_position ax.set_position box.x0.. as pyplot x 0 1 2 3 4 y xx xx for xx in x fig pyplot.figure figsize 3 3 ax fig.add_subplot 111 #box ax.get_position #ax.set_position..