

python Programming Glossary: python33

How can I build my C extensions with MinGW-w64 in Python?


python33.def output lib libpython33.a mv libpython33.a C Python33 libs use swig to generate wrappers e.g. swig c python myExtension.i.. I other includes g DMS_WIN64 c myExtension_wrap.cxx IC Python33 include shared library g shared o _myExtension.pyd myExtension.o.. o _myExtension.pyd myExtension.o myExtension_wrap.o lPython33 lOtherSharedLibs LC Python33 libs LC path to other shared libs..

How to install external libraries with Portable Python?


How do I resolve 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write' error with scikit-learn digits dataset?


print knn.fit X_train y_train .score X_test y_test File C Python33 lib site packages sklearn base.py line 279 in score return accuracy_score.. 279 in score return accuracy_score y self.predict X File C Python33 lib site packages sklearn neighbors classification.py line 131.. in predict neigh_dist neigh_ind self.kneighbors X File C Python33 lib site packages sklearn neighbors base.py line 254 in kneighbors..

Crawler doesn't run because of error in htmlfile = urllib.request.urlopen(urls[i])


17 in module titles re.findall pattern htmltext File C Python33 lib re.py line 201 in findall return _compile pattern flags..