

python Programming Glossary: qtcore.signal

Create PyQt menu from a list of strings


in menuitems entry menu.addAction item self.connect entry QtCore.SIGNAL 'triggered ' lambda self.doStuff item menu.addAction entry print.. in menuitems entry menu.addAction item self.connect entry QtCore.SIGNAL 'triggered ' lambda self.doStuff item try instead for item in.. in menuitems entry menu.addAction item self.connect entry QtCore.SIGNAL 'triggered ' lambda item item self.doStuff item This anticipates..

Filling out a form using PyQt and QWebview


button.evaluateJavaScript click QtCore.QObject.connect web QtCore.SIGNAL loadFinished fillForm web.show sys.exit app.exec_ The page loads..

multiprocessing GUI schemas to combat the “Not Responding” blocking


process_button 0 1 QtCore.QObject.connect process_button QtCore.SIGNAL clicked self.process self.setCentralWidget self.centralwidget.. process_button 0 1 QtCore.QObject.connect process_button QtCore.SIGNAL clicked self.process self.setCentralWidget self.centralwidget..

PyQt4, QThread and opening big files without freezing the GUI


self.file_name self.reader.Update self.emit QtCore.SIGNAL 'image_loaded' self.reader.GetOutput python pyqt share improve.. self.file_name self.reader.Update self.emit QtCore.SIGNAL 'image_loaded' self.reader.GetOutput def begin self self.start..

PyQt4 signals and slots


made in MainWindow QtCore.QObject.connect self.loginDialog QtCore.SIGNAL aa str self.login And I try to emit signal inside the Dialog.. inside the Dialog class I'm sure it is emitted self.emit QtCore.SIGNAL aa jacek Unfortunately slot is not invoked. I tried with no.. don't use the same signal when emitting and connecting. QtCore.SIGNAL aa str is not the same as QtCore.SIGNAL aa . Signals must have..

Matplotlib animation either freezes after a few frames or just doesn't work


QtCore.QTimer QtCore.QObject.connect refresh_timer QtCore.SIGNAL 'timeout ' update_function refresh_timer.start 1.0 30 # have..

PyQT4: Drag and drop files into QListWidget


self QtCore.QObject.connect self.ui.listWidget QtCore.SIGNAL dropped self.picture_dropped def picture_dropped self l for.. .urls links.append str url.toLocalFile self.emit QtCore.SIGNAL dropped links else event.ignore class MainForm QtGui.QMainWindow.. parent self.view TestListView self self.connect self.view QtCore.SIGNAL dropped self.pictureDropped self.setCentralWidget self.view..

How to keep track of thread progress in Python without freezing the PyQt GUI?


has changed if self.progress new_progress self.emit QtCore.SIGNAL progressUpdated str self.getName self.progress new_progress.. self.progress new_progress if self.progress 100 self.emit QtCore.SIGNAL resultsReady str self.getName def processDoc self doc ''' this.. to GuiApp functions QtCore.QObject.connect p_thread QtCore.SIGNAL 'progressUpdated str ' self.updateProgressObject thread_name..

Displaying pop-up windows in Python (PyQt4)


self QtCore.QObject.connect self.ui.pushButton QtCore.SIGNAL 'clicked ' self.popup ... ... Some functions ... def popup self..