

python Programming Glossary: qurl

Filling out a form using PyQt and QWebview


QtCore app QApplication sys.argv web QWebView web.load QUrl https www.lendingclub.com account gotoLogin.action def fillForm..

Problem loading a specific website through Qt Webkit


import app QApplication sys.argv web QWebView web.load QUrl http www.robeez.com web.show sys.exit app.exec_ Websites like..

PyQt Webkit and html forms: Fetching output and closing window


unquote_plus from the python standard library as unlike QUrl it can handle plus signs as well as percent encoding. To close.. import class MyWebPage QWebPage formSubmitted pyqtSignal QUrl def acceptNavigationRequest self frame req nav_type if nav_type..

Screen scraping with Python


bool ' self._finished_loading self.mainFrame .load QUrl url self.app.exec_ def _finished_loading self result self.html..

Scraping Javascript driven web pages with PyQt4 - how to access pages that need authentication?


self._loadFinished self.mainFrame .load QUrl url self.app.exec_ def _loadFinished self result self.frame.. Authorization headerValue QByteArray authheader url QUrl url req QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest req.setRawHeader headerKey..

Why the QNetworkReply readAll() returns zero bytes?


self.onFinished def crawl self self.mainFrame .load QUrl self._url def onFinished self networkReply if networkReply.rawHeader..