

python Programming Glossary: r_

How to write a wrapper over functions and member functions that executes some code before and after the wrapped function?


specializations for other arities... template class R_ class A0_ class A1_ struct FuncWrapper R_ A0_ A1_ typedef R_.. template class R_ class A0_ class A1_ struct FuncWrapper R_ A0_ A1_ typedef R_ func_type A0_ A1_ typedef typename boost.. class A0_ class A1_ struct FuncWrapper R_ A0_ A1_ typedef R_ func_type A0_ A1_ typedef typename boost add_const typename..

numpy array creating with a sequence


which concatenation ought to occur. These functions are r_ row wise concatenation and c_ column wise So for your example.. example the NumPy equivalent is import numpy as NP v NP.r_ .2 1 10 60.8 print v 0.2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 60.8 The.. 60.8 slice notation works as expected start stop step v NP.r_ .2 1 25 7 60.8 v array 0.2 1. 8. 15. 22. 60.8 Though if an imaginary..

Parallel mapping functions in IPython w/ multiple parameters


examples func lambda x numpy.random.rand 2. z parallel.map r_ 0 1000 func modules 'numpy numpy.random' plot z A ones 1000.. 1000 l range 0 1000 func lambda x A x l 2. z parallel.map r_ 0 1000 func dict A A l l z array z from IPython.parallel import..

Using numpy to build an array of all combinations of two arrays


numpy import def comb a b c for i in a for j in b c.append r_ i j return c The I used reduce to apply that to m copies of..

Why does numpy.r_ use brackets instead of parentheses?


does numpy.r_ use brackets instead of parentheses Numpy.r_ .c_ and .s_ are.. does numpy.r_ use brackets instead of parentheses Numpy.r_ .c_ and .s_ are the only Python functions I've come across that.. I want to just curious For example the proper syntax is np.r_ '0 2' 1 2 3 4 5 6 I would have expected it to be np.r_ '0 2'..