

python Programming Glossary: raise

Common pitfalls in Python [duplicate]


xrange 3 Be careful catching multiple exception types try raise KeyError hmm bug except KeyError TypeError print TypeError This.. KeyError only as variable TypeError use this instead try raise KeyError hmm bug except KeyError TypeError print TypeError ..

subprocess with timeout


to run an arbitrary command returning its stdout data or raise an exception on non zero exit codes proc subprocess.Popen cmd..

how to print number with commas as thousands separators in Python 2.x


answer def intWithCommas x if type x not in type 0 type 0L raise TypeError Parameter must be an integer. if x 0 return ' ' intWithCommas..

Build a Basic Python Iterator


and is implicitly called at each loop increment. next raises a StopIteration exception when there are no more value to return.. self return self def next self if self.current self.high raise StopIteration else self.current 1 return self.current 1 for..

Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?


it. The following code allows with some restrictions to raise an Exception in a python thread def _async_raise tid exctype.. to raise an Exception in a python thread def _async_raise tid exctype '''Raises an exception in the threads with id tid'''.. the threads with id tid''' if not inspect.isclass exctype raise TypeError Only types can be raised not instances res ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc..

How does Python's super() work with multiple inheritance?


cannot find a coherent method resolution order it'll raise an exception instead of falling back to a behaviour which might.. First There's no obvious expectation and Python will raise an error TypeError Error when calling the metaclass bases Cannot..

How to limit execution time of a function call in Python


like this. import signal def signal_handler signum frame raise Exception Timed out signal.signal signal.SIGALRM signal_handler..

Stop reading process output in Python without hang?


class Alarm Exception pass def alarm_handler signum frame raise Alarm def main # start process redirect stdout process subprocess.Popen..

JSON datetime between Python and JavaScript


obj.isoformat elif isinstance obj ... return ... else raise TypeError 'Object of type s with value of s is not JSON serializable'..

Redirect stdout to a file in Python?


and the ssh session is closed the application will raise IOError and fail the moment it tries to write to stdout. I needed..

mkdir -p functionality in python


if exc.errno errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir path pass else raise Update For Python 3.2 os.makedirs has an optional third argument..

Converting a String to Dictionary?


opt Python 2.6.1 lib python2.6 ast.py line 67 in _convert raise ValueError 'malformed string' ValueError malformed string ..

Installing Python's easy_install using ez_setup.py from behind a proxy server


url to target using Powershell which will validate trust . Raise an exception if the command cannot complete. target os.path.abspath..

Python binary search-like function to find first number in sorted list greater than a specific value


a key '''Find smallest item greater than or equal to key. Raise ValueError if no such item exists. If multiple keys are equal..

Launch an ipython shell on exception


type a command in ipython that causes an error i.e. Raise NameError 'This sent from the ipython prompted will however..

The difference between exit() and sys.exit() in python?


0 if PyArg_UnpackTuple args exit 0 1 exit_code return NULL Raise SystemExit so callers may catch it or clean up. PyErr_SetObject..

Getting file size in Python? [duplicate]


os.path.getsize path Return the size in bytes of path. Raise os.error if the file does not exist or is inaccessible. import..

cx_Oracle and Exception Handling - Good practices?


print error.code print error.message print error.context # Raise the exception. raise # Only commit if it s necessary. if commit..

Boost.Python custom exception class


myExceptionTypeObj createExceptionClass MyException ... Raise exception of type MyModule.MyException PyErr_SetString myExceptionTypeObj..

How to implement Priority Queues in Python?


def remove_task task 'Mark an existing task as REMOVED. Raise KeyError if not found.' entry entry_finder.pop task entry 1.. def pop_task 'Remove and return the lowest priority task. Raise KeyError if empty.' while pq priority count task heappop pq..