

python Programming Glossary: return

What is a metaclass in Python?


name ... if name 'foo' ... class Foo object ... pass ... return Foo # return the class not an instance ... else ... class Bar.. name 'foo' ... class Foo object ... pass ... return Foo # return the class not an instance ... else ... class Bar object ..... not an instance ... else ... class Bar object ... pass ... return Bar ... MyClass choose_class 'foo' print MyClass # the function..

The Python yield keyword explained


node._get_child_candidates distance min_dist max_dist return result What happens when the method _get_child_candidates is.. when the method _get_child_candidates is called A list is returned A single element is returned Is it called again When subsequent.. is called A list is returned A single element is returned Is it called again When subsequent calls do stop The code..

What is a metaclass in Python?


future_class_name future_class_parents future_class_attr Return a class object with the list of its attribute turned into uppercase...

Count occurrence of a character in a Python string


share improve this question str.count sub start end Return the number of non overlapping occurrences of substring sub in..

Python debugging tips


as a breakpoint. import pdb a a string pdb.set_trace Return stdin 1 module None Pdb p a 'a string' Pdb To continue execution..

What is the difference between Python's re.search and re.match?


pattern return a corresponding MatchObject instance. Return None if the string does not match the pattern note that this.. a match and return a corresponding MatchObject instance. Return None if no position in the string matches the pattern note that..

How get sound input from microphone in python, and process it on the fly?


while True # Read data from device l data inp.read if l # Return the maximum of the absolute value of all samples in a fragment...

Simple Python Challenge: Fastest Bitwise XOR on Data Buffers


this is traditionally the type for data buffers in python. Return the resultant value as a str . Do this as fast as possible...

Pythonic way to check if a file exists? [duplicate]


To check if a path is an existing file os.path.isfile path Return True if path is an existing regular file. This follows symbolic..

Escaping regex string in Python


function for this 4.2.3 re Module Contents escape string Return string with all non alphanumerics backslashed this is useful..

Python strptime() and timezones?


share improve this question The documentation says Return a datetime corresponding to date_string parsed according to..

Suggestions for a Cron like scheduler in Python?


self.args args self.kwargs kwargs def matchtime self t Return True if this event should trigger at the specified datetime..

How do I “cd” in python


They will operate on the old path and not the new one. Return to your old directory when you're done. This is done in an exception..

How do I determine the size of an object in Python?


defined in the sys module. sys.getsizeof object default Return the size of an object in bytes. The object can be any type of..

Python - can I detect unicode string language code?


api_key chunks either string or sequence of strings Return list of corresponding language codes if isinstance chunks basestring.. api_key chunks either string or sequence of strings Return list of corresponding language codes if isinstance chunks basestring..

How do you run your own code alongside Tkinter's event loop?


parameters are given as parameters to the function call. Return identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel. share improve..

Python code to pick out all possible combinations from a list?


itertools.combinations itertools.combinations iterable r Return r length subsequences of elements from the input iterable. Combinations..

IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level


any outer indentation level import sys def Factorial n # Return factorial result 0 for i in range 1 n result result i print..

Single quotes vs. double quotes in Python [closed]


s lights. def lights_message language number_of_lights Return a language appropriate string reporting the light count. return.. LIGHT_MESSAGES language locals def is_pirate message Return True if the given message sounds piratical. return re.search..

neo4j performance compared to mysql (how can it be improved?)


Creating a JSON response using Django and Python


_POST 'validateId' validateError _POST 'validateError' RETURN VALUE arrayToJs array arrayToJs 0 validateId arrayToJs 1 validateError.. if validateValue Testuser Validate arrayToJs 2 true RETURN TRUE echo ' jsonValidateReturn '.json_encode arrayToJs .' '.. echo ' jsonValidateReturn '.json_encode arrayToJs .' ' RETURN ARRAY WITH success else for x 0 x 1000000 x if x 990000 arrayToJs..

Why is '\x' invalid in Python?


what I found a BELL b BACKSPACE f FORMFEED n LINEFEED r RETURN t TAB v VERTICAL TAB Most of the other characters I tried '..

Python and csv help


DATA for row in reader print row #SEARCH ON HOSTNAME AND RETURN UID #REPLACE VALUE IN FILE WITH UID #import fileinput #for line..

Learn Python the Hard Way Exercise 17 Extra Question(S)


the output file exist r exists to_file print Ready hit RETURN to continue CTRL C to abort. raw_input output open to_file 'w'..

non-technical benefits of having string-type immutable


implementation. If you had say SUBROUTINE ZAP I I 0 RETURN then a program snippet doing e.g. PRINT 23 ZAP 23 PRINT 23 would..

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribut 'has_key' in App Engine


contact logging.error MAP TYPE str type map logging.error RETURN LIST str return_entities return return_entities And lastly Microsoft.. 2012 01 31 16 04 27 470 ERROR hs_transformers.py 46 RETURN LIST shared.datastore.Contact object at 0x0000000003DBBB00 shared.datastore.HBOContact..