

python Programming Glossary: seek

Zipping unequal lists in python in to a list which does not drop any element from longer list being zipped


data structures share improve this question What you seek is itertools.izip_longest a 1 2 3 b 9 10 for i in itertools.izip_longest..

How do I modify a text file in Python?


you can append to a file or overwrite part of it using seek but if you want to add stuff at the beginning or the middle..

file.tell() inconsistency


methods like readline does not work right. However using seek to reposition the file to an absolute position will flush the..

Finding smallest float in file then printing that and line above it


but again...no idea what I'm doing. I tried df2 min df1.seek 0 with no success got an error saying no attribute seek . So.. 0 with no success got an error saying no attribute seek . So that's what I've tried so far I still have no idea how..

Python seek on remote file


seek on remote file How do I seek to a particular position on a.. seek on remote file How do I seek to a particular position on a remote HTTP file so I can download.. say the bytes on a remote file were 1234567890 I wanna seek to 4 and download 3 bytes from there so I would have 456 and..

Re-open files in Python?


this question You can reset the file pointer by calling seek file.seek 0 will do it. You need that line after your first.. You can reset the file pointer by calling seek file.seek 0 will do it. You need that line after your first readlines..

Slicing a list into a list of sub-lists


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... And our sub list length is 3 then we seek output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... Likewise if our sub list length.. 5 6 7 8 9 ... Likewise if our sub list length is 4 then we seek output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... list python share improve this..

Why “is” keyword has different behavior when there is dot in the string?


free to either make a new object of that immutable type or seek through existing objects of that type to see if some of them..

Accessing the underlying struct of a PyObject


and therefore its my_point will be the Point you seek. With a plain format O you'd have to do the type checking yourself...

Python multiprocessing: sharing a large read-only object between processes?


object and writes a page structured byte coded file using seek operations to assure that individual sections are easy to find.. that individual sections are easy to find with simple seeks. This is what a database engine does break the data into pages.. the data into pages make each page easy to locate via a seek . Spawn workers with access this this large page structured..

Reading Huge File in Python


# end of list 1 is due to sentinel Coded binary search seek solution thanks kigurai entries 24935502 # number of entries.. None while key search and left right mid left right 2 fin.seek mid width key value map int fin.readline .split if search key.. search keys and then apply binary search to the file using seek or something similar. This way you would not read the entire..

Which is faster, python webpages or php webpages?


Is there a library for retrieving a file from a remote zip?


0 assert chunk count self.offset chunk return data def seek self offset whence 0 if whence 0 self.offset offset elif whence..