

python Programming Glossary: self._stop

Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?


def __init__ self super StoppableThread self .__init__ self._stop threading.Event def stop self self._stop.set def stopped self.. self .__init__ self._stop threading.Event def stop self self._stop.set def stopped self return self._stop.isSet In this code you.. def stop self self._stop.set def stopped self return self._stop.isSet In this code you should call stop on the thread when you..

implementing a spinner type object in a class as a subprocess


super spin self .__init__ # dont understand what this does self._stop threading.Event def run self threading.Thread target self .run.. run self threading.Thread target self .run pos 0 while not self._stop sys.stdout.write r chars pos sys.stdout.flush time.sleep.. cursor_invisible self os.system tput civis def stop self self._stop.set #the underscore makes this a private variable def stopped..

simple thread management within python classes


def __init__ self arg None super print_text self .__init__ self._stop False self.arg arg def run self # start thread for text print.. run self # start thread for text print self.txt while not self._stop print rude words def echo self txt self.txt txt self.start.. def echo self txt self.txt txt self.start def stop self self._stop True def stopped self return self._stop True def __enter__ self..