

python Programming Glossary: self.filename

Why does Python say this Netscape cookie file isn't valid?


Versions 3.2 lib python3.2 http cookiejar.py 1762 load if self.filename is not None filename self.filename Pdb s opt local Library Frameworks.. 1762 load if self.filename is not None filename self.filename Pdb s opt local Library Frameworks Python.framework Versions..

strip white spaces from file csv


from a csv file that i read import csv aList with open self.filename 'r' as f reader csv.reader f delimiter ' ' quoting csv.QUOTE_NONE..

Singleton python generator? Or, pickle a python generator?


PickleableFile object def __init__ self filename mode 'rb' self.filename filename self.mode mode self.file open filename mode def __getstate__.. filename mode def __getstate__ self state dict filename self.filename mode self.mode closed self.file.closed if not self.file.closed.. self.file.tell return state def __setstate__ self state self.filename state 'filename' self.mode state 'mode' self.file open self.filename..

How to pickle yourself?


code just does an object.Save . def Load self f open self.filename 'rb' tmp_dict cPickle.load f f.close self.__dict__.update tmp_dict.. self.__dict__.update tmp_dict def Save self f open self.filename 'wb' cPickle.dump self.__dict__ f 2 f.close share improve..

Polymorphism in Python


def __init__ self filename if os.path.isfile filename self.filename filename self.file open filename 'rb' self.__read else raise..

Throttling with urllib2


bucket self.last_update 0 self.last_downloaded_kb 0 self.filename filename self.avg_rate None def __call__ self block_count block_size.. self.avg_rate or 0. print 20s 4.1f 5.1f KiB s .1f .1f KiB self.filename 100. downloaded_kb total_kb rate downloaded_kb total_kb self.last_update..

some Numpy functions return ndarray instead of my subclass


fields from source if it has them otherwise put None's self.filename getattr obj filename None self.folder getattr obj folder None..

separate threads in pygtk application


threading.Thread def __init__ self HOME_DIR username self.filename HOME_DIR mtp dump_ username threading.Thread.__init__ self def..