

python Programming Glossary: serializers

Django ease of building a RESTful interface


it's easy to turn models into XML from django.core import serializers from models import Book data serializers.serialize xml Book.objects.all.. import serializers from models import Book data serializers.serialize xml Book.objects.all Combine the two with decorators.. args kwargs result func args kwargs return HttpResponse serializers.serialize xml result mimetype text xml return wrapper @xml_view..

Serialize the @property methods in a Python class


share improve this question You can extend Django's serializers without too much work. Here's a custom serializer that takes.. JSON. from StringIO import StringIO from django.core.serializers.json import Serializer class MySerializer Serializer def serialize..

Generate XML file from model data


write the xml data from the model from django.core import serializers data serializers.serialize 'xml' myModel.objects.filter instanceIwantTowrite.. from the model from django.core import serializers data serializers.serialize 'xml' myModel.objects.filter instanceIwantTowrite.. 1. You can extend base django xml serializer django.core.serializers.xml_serializer.Serializer and modify it so it will return data..

Python human readable object serialization


mind are YAML through PyYAML and JSON through simplejson serializers. Any other option that comes to your mind Thanks in advance...

“Best” way to integrate Django with an Ajax library


javascript via HTTP. You don't need to define any views or serializers. Instead you define resources which is a decent abstraction..

Converting a django ValuesQuerySet to a json object


'fileName' 'id' .filter ownerUser user data serializers.serialize 'json' objectList return HttpResponse data mimetype.. Location C Python27 lib site packages django core serializers base.py in serialize line 41 Thanks python django json share.. ConventionCard.objects.filter ownerUser user data serializers.serialize 'json' objectQuerySet fields 'fileName' 'id' share..

How do you serialize a model instance in Django?


to wrap the required object and that's all what django serializers need to correctly serialize it eg. from django.core import serializers.. need to correctly serialize it eg. from django.core import serializers # assuming obj is a model instance serialized_obj serializers.serialize..