

python Programming Glossary: setattr

python: How to add property to a class dynamically?


__init__ self ks vs for i k in enumerate ks self k vs i setattr self k property lambda x vs i self.fn_readyonly def fn_readonly.. but c.ab returns a property object instead. Replace the setattr line with k property lambda x vs i It is of no use at all. So..

What is the Python equivalent of static variables inside a function?


a decorator def static_var varname value def decorate func setattr func varname value return func return decorate Then use the..

Python unittest: Generate multiple tests programmatically? [duplicate]


2 3 42 11 3 None 31 99 for k pair in expected_pairs setattr TestPreReqs 'test_expected_ d' k create_test pair def create_test.. create_test pair test_method.__name__ 'test_expected_ d' k setattr TestPreReqs test_method.__name__ test_method If you use this..

How do I call setattr() on the current module?


do I call setattr on the current module What do I pass as the first parameter.. do I pass as the first parameter object to the function setattr object name value to set variables on the current module For.. value to set variables on the current module For example setattr object SOME_CONSTANT 42 giving the same effect as SOME_CONSTANT..

Python lazy property decorator


@property def _lazyprop self if not hasattr self attr_name setattr self attr_name fn self return getattr self attr_name return..

What is the python “with” statement designed for? [closed]


getattr sys sname old_streams sname getattr sys sname setattr sys sname stream yield finally for sname stream in old_streams.iteritems.. yield finally for sname stream in old_streams.iteritems setattr sys sname stream with redirected stdout open tmp log.txt w #..

Python: Why is functools.partial necessary?


its design limits... f f for f in lambda f int s base 2 if setattr f 'keywords' 'base' 2 is None 0 Now combine the named arguments..

How to generate dynamic (parametrized) unit tests in python?


t in l test_name 'test_ s' t 0 test test_generator t 1 t 2 setattr TestSequense test_name test unittest.main share improve this..

Simulating a 'local static' variable in python


be something like that if not hasattr CalcSomething _cache setattr CalcSomething _cache inside the function's definition which..

Dynamically set local variable in Python


d 'xyz' or if you prefer use a class class C pass obj C setattr obj 'xyz' 42 print obj.xyz Edit Access to variables in namespaces..

Python: changing methods and attributes at runtime


cls name @classmethod def addMethod cls func return setattr cls func.__name__ types.MethodType func cls def hello self n..