

python Programming Glossary: slides

Cython and numpy speed


slid across the first set. There are two for loops one slides the set and the inner loop calculates correlation at that point...

What is a global interpreter lock (GIL)?


in detail you can view this video or look at this set of slides . It might be too much information but then you did ask for..

Better resources to learn buildout


a tutorial it seems like a cut and paste of presentation slides. I don't have a really clear idea of what the purpose of buildout..

Compute a compounded return series in Python


pyCon 2010 about the capabilities of the module... see the slides and video on the pyCon 2010 webpage . In that video he demonstrates..

Creating undirected graphs in Python


is available here and some background is given in these slides A Short History of the Traveling Salesman Problem and on this..

Need a simple “Hello World” example using the Webkit library in Python


python demos tabbed_browser.py You could check also the slides of a FOSDEM by Alp Toker on WebKit GTK pdf Developing hybrid..

How to generate keyboard keypress events through Python?


need to work at the minimum to go to the previous and next slides . What library module framework can I use with Python to do..

Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) in Python


in the Greek script than the Latin one. See also the slides or doc source code from my 3rd OSCON2011 talk entitled strong..

Simple, hassle-free, zero-boilerplate serialization in Scala/Java similar to Python's Pickle?


Improving Python execution speed with parallel threads


presentation on the Global Interpreter Lock Pycon2010 GIL slides . This presentation is very informative I highly recommend it..