

python Programming Glossary: socket.recv

receving socket python


end with exactly the same number of bytes. When you say socket.recv x you're saying 'don't return until you've read x bytes from.. message in your protocol was exactly 1024 bytes calling socket.recv 1024 would work great. But it sounds like that's not true. If.. are a fixed number of bytes just pass that number in to socket.recv and you're done. But what if your messages can be of different..

What is the actual impact of calling socket.recv with a bufsize that is not a power of 2?


is the actual impact of calling socket.recv with a bufsize that is not a power of 2 To read data from a.. power of 2 To read data from a socket in python you call socket.recv which has this signature socket.recv bufsize flags The python.. in python you call socket.recv which has this signature socket.recv bufsize flags The python docs for socket.recv vaguely state..

interprocess communication in python


'tcp 5555' socket.send args.bar msg socket.recv print msg else # server context zmq.Context socket context.socket.. zmq.REP socket.bind 'tcp 5555' while True msg socket.recv if msg 'zeromq' socket.send 'ah ha ' else socket.send '...nah'..

What should I do if socket.setdefaulttimeout() is not working?


take up to timeout num_of_conn seconds. The other thing is socket.recv if the connection is really slow and you're unlucky enough the.. can take up to timeout incoming_bytes as with every socket.recv we could get one byte and every such call could take timeout..