

python Programming Glossary: sped

FFT-based 2D convolution and correlation in Python


9 0 0 2 4 6 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 and the latest revision has been sped up by using power of two sizes internally and then sped up more.. sped up by using power of two sizes internally and then sped up more by using real FFT for real input . share improve this..

Using numpy.take for faster fancy indexing


use take and a python loop over the planes things can be sped up tremendously In 6 timeit for _ in lut j .take img j for j..

Find unique rows in numpy.array


is not already contiguous. EDIT The above can be slightly sped up perhaps at the cost of clarity by doing unique_a np.unique..

Using the Image.point() method in PIL to manipulate pixel data


range h pix pixels x y pixels x y colors pix 0 Processing sped up by an order of magnitude but is still slow about 3.5s to..

Why is printing to stdout so slow? Can it be sped up?


is printing to stdout so slow Can it be sped up I've always been amazed frustrated with how long it takes.. terminal to process the results. Can writing to stdout be sped up somehow I wrote a script ' print_timer.py ' at the bottom.. the terminal. I always knew dumping output to dev null sped things up but never figured it was that significant It amazes..

Efficient way of parsing fixed width files in Python


with the struct module version speedwise. It could be sped up slightly by removing the ability to have padding fields...

Parallel file matching, Python


a speedup of 5x with python I would like to get it sped up more. WINNER WINNER WINNER Looks like we have a winner...