

python Programming Glossary: technique

How can I profile a SQLAlchemy powered application?


the overhead of the DBAPI from the equation although that technique isn't really necessary for garden variety profiling. share..

Activate a virtualenv via fabric as deploy user


1.0 Fabric has a prefix context manager which uses this technique so you can for example def task with prefix 'workon myvenv'..

How to solve the “Mastermind” guessing game?


and playing around with it I have greatly improved my technique and 5 steps is indeed an achievable goal even when you don't..

Python string 'join' is faster(?) than '+', but what's wrong here?


would be otherwise performed over and over is a crucial technique in optimization Python doesn't hoist on your behalf so you have..

overloading __init__ in python


to initialize the list or with an actual list. What's your technique for doing this Do you just check the type by looking at __class__..

How to download any(!) webpage with correct charset in python?


will be messed up. People usually use some rudimentary technique to detect the encoding. They either use the charset from the.. care about meta tags or headers . By using only one these techniques sometimes you will not get the same result as you would in..

Django auto_now and auto_now_add


on DateField DateTimeField and TimeField and by using this technique you are able to automatically populate any field type every..

Using try vs if in python


by the presence of many try and except statements. The technique contrasts with the LBYL style common to many other languages..

Python: removing duplicates from a list of lists


when you just do python nodup.py and the basic hoisting technique make constant global names local to each function for speed..

How to unquote a urlencoded unicode string in python?


continues to live on in JavaScript land. The more common technique seems to be to UTF 8 encode the string and then escape the resulting..

Maximum recursion depth?


and tail recursion is not a particularly efficient technique. Rewriting the algorithm iteratively if possible is generally..

Weighted random selection with and without replacement


but unfortunately it doesn't use the bitshifting technique nor have I actually verified it. share improve this answer..

Python/Tkinter: Interactively validating Entry widget content


validating Entry widget content What is the recommended technique for interactively validating content in a Tkinter Entry widget..

How to set sys.stdout encoding in Python 3?


a codec writer that encodes output in UTF 8. However this technique does not work in Python 3 because sys.stdout.write expects a..

Django staticfiles app help


are similar to how template loading works. The same technique will be used when running the collectstatic command except that..

Python replace multiple strings


similar problems but at least it is clean and good coding technique right Where text is the complete string and dic is a dictionary..

How do I use Python's itertools.groupby()?


So how do I use of itertools.groupby Is there another technique I should be using Pointers to good prerequisite reading would..

How to use timeit correctly


of the unsorted data on every pass. Also note the timing technique of running the measurement suite seven times and keeping only..

How can I intercept calls to python's “magic” methods in new style classes?


magic methods at the time of class creation I've used this technique to avoid having to write boilerplate call through methods for..

How do I access the child classes of an object in django without knowing the name of the child class?


and thus down inheritance hierarchies there's a better technique available which doesn't require the added real_type field on..