

python Programming Glossary: tests.py

Django newbie deployment question - ImportError: Could not import settings 'settings'


polls ls ltr total 20 rw r r 1 root root 514 Aug 1 08 53 tests.py rw r r 1 root root 57 Aug 1 08 53 models.py rw r r 1 root root..

Custom python database logger, having circular import


log_handlers.pyc models.py models.pyc router.py router.pyc tests.py views.py Thanks to @istruble pointed out that that is due to..

Why isn't assertRaises catching my Attribute Error using python unittest?


. Traceback most recent call last File home tttt .. tttt tests.py line 504 in test_get_categories_branch self.assertRaises AttributeError..

How do I unit test Django Views?


an_app_1 __init__.py urls.py models.py views.py tests.py the generic Django testing app_specific_module.py app_specific_package..

need to recreate pyramid triangle on Python


pyramid_width And neither worked. I am supposed to make tests.py to test the functions and I get errors for e.g Traceback most..

Mac OS X 10.6 Python 2.7 pytidylib utidylib could not find libtidy


File home andre Progz some_site djcode apps default tests.py line in default.tests.__test__.doctest Failed example from tidylib..

Project structure for Google App Engine


myapp .py app specific python code views.py models.py tests.py __init__.py and more templates .html templates or myapp templates..

Django: How to create a model dynamically just for testing


tests in a tests subdirectory of the app rather than a tests.py file and include a tests models.py with the test only models...

Which is the better way to pass data into Python Unittest Redirected STDIN or Pickle?


github.com miohtama mfabrik.zoho blob master mfabrik zoho tests.py As a bigger problem I think trying to enforce unit tests module..