

python Programming Glossary: tonumpyarray

How to convert pointer to c array to python array


C API to call PyArray_SimpleNewFromData cdef public api tonumpyarray double data long long size with gil if not data and size 0 raise.. pydll CFUNCTYPE c_bool cdll import pointer2ndarray tonumpyarray PYFUNCTYPE py_object POINTER c_double c_longlong tonumpyarray.. PYFUNCTYPE py_object POINTER c_double c_longlong tonumpyarray pydll.LoadLibrary pointer2ndarray.__file__ @CFUNCTYPE c_bool..

Use numpy array in shared memory for multiprocessing


array N M 100 11 shared_arr mp.Array ctypes.c_double N arr tonumpyarray shared_arr # fill with random values arr np.random.uniform size.. for i in range stop_f N step p.join assert np.allclose 1 M tonumpyarray shared_arr arr_orig def init shared_arr_ global shared_arr shared_arr.. # must be inhereted not passed as an argument def tonumpyarray mp_arr return np.frombuffer mp_arr.get_obj def f i synchronized...