

python Programming Glossary: typename

Accessing class variables from a list comprehension in the class definition


message you report is incorrect. It is not type object ' typename ' has no attribute 'x' but NameError global name 'x' is not..

How to write a wrapper over functions and member functions that executes some code before and after the wrapped function?


R_ A0_ A1_ typedef R_ func_type A0_ A1_ typedef typename boost add_const typename boost add_reference typename A0_ type.. R_ func_type A0_ A1_ typedef typename boost add_const typename boost add_reference typename A0_ type type AC0_ typedef typename.. typename boost add_const typename boost add_reference typename A0_ type type AC0_ typedef typename boost add_const typename..

Passing Python list to C++ vector using Boost.python


can't seem to figure out why. Here's what I used template typename T void python_to_vector boost python object o vector T v try..

wrapping a list of structs with boost.python


boost python.hpp template class T struct listwrap typedef typename T value_type value_type typedef typename T iterator iter_type.. listwrap typedef typename T value_type value_type typedef typename T iterator iter_type static void add T x value_type const v..

SWIG/python array inside structure


that we use for wrapping fixed size arrays template typename Type size_t N struct wrapped_array Type data N typedef struct..

Generating Python soaplib stubs from WSDL


www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema' SCHEMA_TYPE_MAPPING None ' typeName s' 'None' 'None' 'boolean' 'Boolean' 'string' 'String' 'long'.. indent return joiner.join textwrap.wrap text width '' def typeName type sd resolved type.resolve return resolved.name or '' def.. name required type.required schemaType schemaType dict typeName name required required if type.unbounded schemaType Array s..

wrapping a list of structs with boost.python


template class T void export_STLList const char typeName using namespace boost python class_ std list T typeName .def.. typeName using namespace boost python class_ std list T typeName .def __len__ std list T size .def clear std list T clear .def..