

python Programming Glossary: wonderful

Iron python, beautiful soup, win32 app


an alternative native .NET solution. BeautifulSoup is a wonderful bit of code and at first it didn't look like there was anything..

Key-ordered dict in python


BTW this takes shameless advantage of the unusual and wonderful performance characteristics of Python's sort aka timsort among..

PCA Analysis with Python


the MATLAB syntax EDIT on the blog nextgenetics I found a wonderful demonstration of how to perform and display a PCA with the matplotlib..

time.sleep() required to keep QThread responsive?


So please excuse my obvious ignorance of what is a wonderful programming language As my first endeavor I decided to build..

What are good ways to make my Python code run first time?


module from the std lib. The interactive interpreter is a wonderful tool for working with python code and IPython is a great improvement..

Django vs web2py for a beginner developer [closed]


that i am missing out on PS. UPDATE Thank you all for the wonderful input after buying three django books and going through a few.. both django and web2py i have settled on web2py. This is a wonderful framework which makes web development really fun for a newbe... as it will be mainstream in the future. Django is also a wonderful framework but web2py is just better in my limited experience..

Making moves w/ websockets and python / django ( / twisted? )


using django websocket by Gregor Müllegger. It's a really wonderful early crack at making websockets work in Django. I have accomplished..

How do I manage third-party Python libraries with Google App Engine? (virtualenv? pip?)


import modules from zipfiles and that pip can work with a wonderful REQUIREMENTS file and I've seen that pip has a zip command for..

ctypes - Beginner


in python and need help. Some step by step help would be wonderful. So I have my c library. What do I do What files do I put where..

Python style - line continuation with strings?


instance trying to use a multiline mystr Why hello there wonderful stackoverflow people Will return Why hello there nwonderful.. stackoverflow people Will return Why hello there nwonderful stackoverflow people This works mystr Why hello there wonderful.. stackoverflow people This works mystr Why hello there wonderful stackoverflow people Since it returns this Why hello there wonderful..

XML writing tools for Python


and so on and so forth. Am I missing something truly wonderful I haven't heard of This is similar to what I'm actually doing..

how enable requests async mode?


this question Sorry Kenneth Reitz. His library is wonderful. I am stupid. I need select monkey patch for httplib like this..

Comparing 2 .txt files using difflib in Python
