

python Programming Glossary: wt

Big Satellite Image Processing


stores them in an 10 x 25 000 000 array. # initial weights wt ones cols rows # data array transposed so observations are columns..

When I run it tells me this : NameError: name 'lock' is not defined?


for index in range len data data index random.randint 1 10 wt int input enter the number of working threads locks list range.. input enter the number of working threads locks list range wt subtotal list range wt seg len data wt st 0 for i in range wt.. of working threads locks list range wt subtotal list range wt seg len data wt st 0 for i in range wt st i seg end st seg 1..

How do I create a CSV file from database in Python?


select from moz_hosts csv_writer csv.writer open out.csv wt csv_writer.writerow i 0 for i in cursor.description # write..

Python on Windows: Run multiple programs sequentially in one command prompt


it batch_filename 'commands.bat' with open batch_filename wt as batchfile batchfile.write textwrap.dedent python hello.py..

Hadoop Streaming Job failed error in python


w tw.split ' ' w int w if tweet.__eq__ o_tweet for i wt in id_list print ' s s t s' tweet_id i str w wt id_list.append.. for i wt in id_list print ' s s t s' tweet_id i str w wt id_list.append tweet_id w else id_list tweet_id w o_tweet tweet..

Multiple variables in Python 'with' statement


from __future__ import with_statement with open out.txt wt open in.txt as file_out file_in for line in file_in file_out.write.. this import contextlib with contextlib.nested open out.txt wt open in.txt as file_out file_in ... Update To quote the documentation..