

python Programming Glossary: xlrd.open_workbook

img = Image.open(fp) AttributeError: class Image has no attribute 'open'


ParaStyle sep 0.1 def open_excel file 'exc.xls' try data xlrd.open_workbook file return data except Exception e print str e #pre p # XXX..

Reading an Excel object retrieved using urllib2


it appears like you can use something similar to this book xlrd.open_workbook file_contents response.read It doesn't appear to support reading..

Solve equation with a set of points


myFunc t V W k y V t V W 1 np.exp k t k return y classeur xlrd.open_workbook path names_sheets classeur.sheet_names sheet classeur.sheet_by_name..

How do i extract specific lines of data from a huge Excel sheet using Python?


when you try to open C bigfile.xls with your script using xlrd.open_workbook Include the script that you ran the full traceback and the error..

Recommend a Python library to read Excel XLS files [closed]


from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files. import xlrd book xlrd.open_workbook 'myfile.xls' print book.nsheets print book.sheet_names sh book.sheet_by_index..

Preserving styles using python's xlrd,xlwt, and xlutils.copy


formatting over. import xlrd import xlutils.copy inBook xlrd.open_workbook 'input.xls' formatting_info True outBook xlutils.copy.copy inBook..



would be something like import datetime import xlrd book xlrd.open_workbook myfile.xls sheet book.sheet_by_index 0 cell sheet.cell 5 19..

Facing problem with XLWT and XLRD - Reading and writing simultaneously


'AVERAGE A1 B1 ' myFontStyle book.save 'formula.xls' wb xlrd.open_workbook 'formula.xls' sh wb.sheet_by_index 0 for rownum in range sh.nrows..

Get formula from Excel cell with python xlrd


cell import xlrd #open the .xls file xlsname test.xls book xlrd.open_workbook xlsname #build a dictionary of the names sheets of the book..

Identifying Excel Sheet cell color code using XLRD package


question Here is one way to handle this import xlrd book xlrd.open_workbook sample.xls formatting_info True sheets book.sheet_names print..

xls to csv convertor


XLSX files. import xlrd import csv def csv_from_excel wb xlrd.open_workbook 'your_workbook.xls' sh wb.sheet_by_name 'Sheet1' your_csv_file..