

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:10:00

android Programming Glossary: anim.setduration

How to animate a View with Translate Animation in Android


0 xDest originalPos 0 0 yDest originalPos 1 anim.setDuration 1000 anim.setFillAfter true view.startAnimation anim The method..

How does Google achieve animated posts in their G+ app?


v mRect null AlphaAnimation anim new AlphaAnimation 0 1 anim.setDuration 1000 v.startAnimation anim v.setTag true scrollView.addView..

Android ImageView Animation


LinearInterpolator anim.setRepeatCount Animation.INFINITE anim.setDuration 700 Start animating the image final ImageView splash ImageView..

Android rotate imageview, i cant set the final position of imageview in onAnimationEnd()


0.5f anim.setInterpolator new LinearInterpolator anim.setDuration 300 anim.setFillEnabled true anim.setFillAfter true anim.setAnimationListener.. 30 360 anim.setInterpolator new LinearInterpolator anim.setDuration 1000 anim.setFillEnabled true anim.setFillAfter true turnImg.startAnimation..

Animating weightSum property using ObjectAnimator


anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat mDualPane weightSum ws 2.0f anim.setDuration 5000 anim.start private void hideScreen2 Not animated will work..... anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat mDualPane weightSum ws 1.0f anim.setDuration 5000 anim.start Here my mDualPane is my root LinearLayout..... anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat mDualPane weightSum ws 2.0f anim.setDuration 5000 anim.addUpdateListener this anim.start Now I added an UpdateListener..

How to animate a View with Translate Animation in Android


2 statusBarOffset TranslateAnimation anim new TranslateAnimation 0 xDest originalPos 0 0 yDest originalPos 1 anim.setDuration 1000 anim.setFillAfter true view.startAnimation anim The method moveViewToScreenCenter gets the View's absolute coordinates..

How does Google achieve animated posts in their G+ app?


event. if Boolean v.getTag false getChildVisibleRect v mRect null AlphaAnimation anim new AlphaAnimation 0 1 anim.setDuration 1000 v.startAnimation anim v.setTag true scrollView.addView list for int i 0 i 20 i TextView tv new TextView this tv.setText..

Android ImageView Animation


new RotateAnimation 0f 350f 15f 15f anim.setInterpolator new LinearInterpolator anim.setRepeatCount Animation.INFINITE anim.setDuration 700 Start animating the image final ImageView splash ImageView findViewById R.id.splash splash.startAnimation anim Later....

Android rotate imageview, i cant set the final position of imageview in onAnimationEnd()


0 degrees Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 0.5f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 0.5f anim.setInterpolator new LinearInterpolator anim.setDuration 300 anim.setFillEnabled true anim.setFillAfter true anim.setAnimationListener new AnimationListener @Override public void.. Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 0.5f currentRotation currentRotation 30 360 anim.setInterpolator new LinearInterpolator anim.setDuration 1000 anim.setFillEnabled true anim.setFillAfter true turnImg.startAnimation anim This code assumes an instance variable..

Animating weightSum property using ObjectAnimator


the weightSum float ws mDualPane.getWeightSum ObjectAnimator anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat mDualPane weightSum ws 2.0f anim.setDuration 5000 anim.start private void hideScreen2 Not animated will work... mDualPane.setWeightSum 1.0f Now try to animate the weightSum.. the weightSum float ws mDualPane.getWeightSum ObjectAnimator anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat mDualPane weightSum ws 1.0f anim.setDuration 5000 anim.start Here my mDualPane is my root LinearLayout... Question When I call these functions nothing happens. The screen.. layout myself float ws mDualPane.getWeightSum ObjectAnimator anim ObjectAnimator.ofFloat mDualPane weightSum ws 2.0f anim.setDuration 5000 anim.addUpdateListener this anim.start Now I added an UpdateListener to the ObjectAnimator which is implemented by..