

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:10:18

android Programming Glossary: attrvalue

Android: parse XML from string problems


localName qName atts if localName.equals outertag this.in_outertag true else if localName.equals innertag String attrValue atts.getValue sampleattribute myParsedExampleDataSet.setExtractedString attrValue this.in_innertag true else if localName.equals.. localName.equals innertag String attrValue atts.getValue sampleattribute myParsedExampleDataSet.setExtractedString attrValue this.in_innertag true else if localName.equals mytag this.in_mytag true else if localName.equals tagwithnumber Extract.. if localName.equals mytag this.in_mytag true else if localName.equals tagwithnumber Extract an Attribute String attrValue atts.getValue thenumber int i Integer.parseInt attrValue myParsedExampleDataSet.setExtractedInt i Gets be called on..

Android: Sax parsing returns null values and retrieve values in tags of same name


mobile this.in_mobilePhone true else if localName.equals tagwithnumber Extract an Attribute String attrValue atts.getValue thenumber int i Integer.parseInt attrValue myParsedExampleDataSet.setExtractedInt i Gets be called on closing.. tagwithnumber Extract an Attribute String attrValue atts.getValue thenumber int i Integer.parseInt attrValue myParsedExampleDataSet.setExtractedInt i Gets be called on closing tags like tag @Override public void endElement String..