

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:10:44

android Programming Glossary: bounds.top

Android Drag/Animation of Views


Rect bounds mRegion.getBounds return new Point bounds.left bounds.top public final void setSize int width int height mSize.x width.. Rect bounds mRegion.getBounds mRegion.set bounds.left bounds.top bounds.left width bounds.top height public final Point getSize.. mRegion.set bounds.left bounds.top bounds.left width bounds.top height public final Point getSize return mSize @Override public..

Gettextbounds in android


the bounds you can do canvas.drawText text bounds.left bounds.top paint This will draw the text near to the upper left corner.. of displacement canvas.drawText text bounds.left yourX bounds.top yourY paint Another example if you want to create a bitmap that.. canvas new Canvas bitmap canvas.drawText text bounds.left bounds.top paint If you want to leave a few pixels to the left right top..

Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds()


d s mt bw bounds.toShortString bounds.offset 0 bounds.top p.setStyle Style.STROKE canvas.drawColor 0xff000080 p.setColor..

Android Drag/Animation of Views


mSize.x position.y mSize.y public final Point getPosition Rect bounds mRegion.getBounds return new Point bounds.left bounds.top public final void setSize int width int height mSize.x width mSize.y height Rect bounds mRegion.getBounds mRegion.set bounds.left.. void setSize int width int height mSize.x width mSize.y height Rect bounds mRegion.getBounds mRegion.set bounds.left bounds.top bounds.left width bounds.top height public final Point getSize return mSize @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent.. mSize.x width mSize.y height Rect bounds mRegion.getBounds mRegion.set bounds.left bounds.top bounds.left width bounds.top height public final Point getSize return mSize @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event Is the event inside..

Gettextbounds in android


With this said to draw the text of which you have computed the bounds you can do canvas.drawText text bounds.left bounds.top paint This will draw the text near to the upper left corner of the canvas. The coordinates of the upper left corner are.. move the text around you only have to add your desired amount of displacement canvas.drawText text bounds.left yourX bounds.top yourY paint Another example if you want to create a bitmap that contains text and you want to fit exactly the available.. bounds.width bounds.height Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas canvas new Canvas bitmap canvas.drawText text bounds.left bounds.top paint If you want to leave a few pixels to the left right top and bottom let's say 2 you can do Bitmap bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap..

Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds()


bw bounds.width Log.i LCG String.format measureText f getTextBounds d s mt bw bounds.toShortString bounds.offset 0 bounds.top p.setStyle Style.STROKE canvas.drawColor 0xff000080 p.setColor 0xffff0000 canvas.drawRect bounds p p.setColor 0xff00ff00..