

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:15

android Programming Glossary: color.argb

How to Show Circular Text using TextView in Android


GraphicsView Context context super context int color Color.argb 127 255 0 255 circle new Path circle.addCircle 230 350 150 Direction.CW..

Android color picker to be included in the activity


c1 p int b ave Color.blue c0 Color.blue c1 p return Color.argb a r g b private int rotateColor int color float rad float deg.. a 6 g a 7 b int ib floatToByte a 10 r a 11 g a 12 b return Color.argb Color.alpha color pinToByte ir pinToByte ig pinToByte ib private..

android color between two colors, based on percentage?


c1 p int b ave Color.blue c0 Color.blue c1 p return Color.argb a r g b private int ave int src int dst float p return src java.lang.Math.round..

Android example which uses onResume, onStart and onRestart


Button findViewById R.id.buttonR1C4 b11.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 255 255 0 b12.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 255 0 255.. Color.argb 255 255 255 0 b12.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 255 0 255 b13.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 0 255 255.. Color.argb 255 255 0 255 b13.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 0 255 255 b14.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 102 153..

How to set text color of TextView in code?


text.setTextColor Color.parseColor #FFFFFF Color.rgb and Color.argb Manual rgb Manual argb like Ganapathy uses holder.text.setTextColor.. Color.rgb 200 0 0 holder.text.setTextColor Color.argb 0 200 0 0 And ofcourse like xbakesx says if you want to define..

Custom Translucent Android ActionBar


getActionBar .setBackgroundDrawable new ColorDrawable Color.argb 128 0 0 0 Otherwise ofcourse you can hide the actionbar completely..

How to change color and font on ListView


position text.setBackgroundColor Color.RED int color Color.argb 200 255 64 64 text.setBackgroundColor color return mView ..

Android - Turn off display without triggering sleep/lock screen - Turn on with Touchscreen


255D Math.exp 4D double i 100D 4D return new ColorDrawable Color.argb j 0 0 0 Finally add view to windowManager that you created earlier...

How to Show Circular Text using TextView in Android


Path circle private Paint cPaint private Paint tPaint public GraphicsView Context context super context int color Color.argb 127 255 0 255 circle new Path circle.addCircle 230 350 150 Direction.CW cPaint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG cPaint.setStyle..

Android color picker to be included in the activity


Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green c0 Color.green c1 p int b ave Color.blue c0 Color.blue c1 p return Color.argb a r g b private int rotateColor int color float rad float deg rad 180 3.1415927f int r Color.red color int g Color.green.. ir floatToByte a 0 r a 1 g a 2 b int ig floatToByte a 5 r a 6 g a 7 b int ib floatToByte a 10 r a 11 g a 12 b return Color.argb Color.alpha color pinToByte ir pinToByte ig pinToByte ib private static final float PI 3.1415926f @Override public boolean..

android color between two colors, based on percentage?


Color.red c0 Color.red c1 p int g ave Color.green c0 Color.green c1 p int b ave Color.blue c0 Color.blue c1 p return Color.argb a r g b private int ave int src int dst float p return src java.lang.Math.round p dst src Well this works but I would like..

Android example which uses onResume, onStart and onRestart


R.id.buttonR1C2 b13 Button findViewById R.id.buttonR1C3 b14 Button findViewById R.id.buttonR1C4 b11.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 255 255 0 b12.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 255 0 255 b13.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 0 255 255 b14.setBackgroundColor.. b14 Button findViewById R.id.buttonR1C4 b11.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 255 255 0 b12.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 255 0 255 b13.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 0 255 255 b14.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 102 153 51 b11.setOnClickListener.. b11.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 255 255 0 b12.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 255 0 255 b13.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 0 255 255 b14.setBackgroundColor Color.argb 255 102 153 51 b11.setOnClickListener this b12.setOnClickListener this b13.setOnClickListener..

How to set text color of TextView in code?


same effect of course. Color.parseColor Manual like LEX uses text.setTextColor Color.parseColor #FFFFFF Color.rgb and Color.argb Manual rgb Manual argb like Ganapathy uses holder.text.setTextColor Color.rgb 200 0 0 holder.text.setTextColor Color.argb.. Manual rgb Manual argb like Ganapathy uses holder.text.setTextColor Color.rgb 200 0 0 holder.text.setTextColor Color.argb 0 200 0 0 And ofcourse like xbakesx says if you want to define your color in an XML file you can do this color name errorColor..

Custom Translucent Android ActionBar


do this completely programatically by creating a ColorDrawable getActionBar .setBackgroundDrawable new ColorDrawable Color.argb 128 0 0 0 Otherwise ofcourse you can hide the actionbar completely in that case you can set a custom theme on your activity..

How to change color and font on ListView


null text.setTextColor Color.WHITE text.setText items.get position text.setBackgroundColor Color.RED int color Color.argb 200 255 64 64 text.setBackgroundColor color return mView The list item looks like this custom_list.xml xml version 1.0..

Android - Turn off display without triggering sleep/lock screen - Turn on with Touchscreen


getBackgroundDrawable int i int j 255 int Math.round 255D Math.exp 4D double i 100D 4D return new ColorDrawable Color.argb j 0 0 0 Finally add view to windowManager that you created earlier. windowManager.addView view layoutParams Note You need..