

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:16

android Programming Glossary: columnname

ORMLite with CursorAdapter in Android


true private int _id or @DatabaseField generatedId true columnName _id private int id If you are working with Cursor s then you..

Android record exists() in database?


it should be a Long . select 1 is more fast than select columnName because the process doesn't need the retrieve a value from the..

Collections in ORMLite


true private int id @DatabaseField foreign true columnName student_id private Student student @DatabaseField private String.. private String number @DatabaseField foreign true columnName adres_id private Adres adres I build this structure i have it..

Android - Get UserData using AccountManager / First and Last name of the phone owner


null null null null int count c.getCount String columnNames c.getColumnNames boolean b c.moveToFirst int position c.getPosition.. position c.getPosition if count 1 position 0 for int j 0 j columnNames.length j String columnName columnNames j String columnValue.. 1 position 0 for int j 0 j columnNames.length j String columnName columnNames j String columnValue c.getString c.getColumnIndex..

How to extend the BaseDaoImpl class of ORMLite on Android to extend functionality


@SerializedName value _id @DatabaseField canBeNull false columnName ID_COLUMN_NAME generatedId true private int id @SerializedName.. id @SerializedName value id @DatabaseField canBeNull false columnName OBJECT_ID_COLUMN_NAME index true unique true private long objectId..

ORMLite with CursorAdapter in Android


a column named _id using ORMLite @DatabaseField generatedId true private int _id or @DatabaseField generatedId true columnName _id private int id If you are working with Cursor s then you may want to take a look at the last and moveAbsolute ... methods..

Android record exists() in database?


exists I keep your parameter _id as a String but I think it should be a Long . select 1 is more fast than select columnName because the process doesn't need the retrieve a value from the table in the select clause. you can put the string select..

Collections in ORMLite


public class Adres implements Serializable @DatabaseField generatedId true private int id @DatabaseField foreign true columnName student_id private Student student @DatabaseField private String miasto @DatabaseField private String ulica @DatabaseField.. Phone @DatabaseField generatedId true private int id @DatabaseField private String number @DatabaseField foreign true columnName adres_id private Adres adres I build this structure i have it in 3 tabelas. Student queryForStudentMarcin simpleDao.queryForId..

Android - Get UserData using AccountManager / First and Last name of the phone owner


.query ContactsContract.Profile.CONTENT_URI null null null null int count c.getCount String columnNames c.getColumnNames boolean b c.moveToFirst int position c.getPosition if count 1 position 0 for int j 0 j columnNames.length.. columnNames c.getColumnNames boolean b c.moveToFirst int position c.getPosition if count 1 position 0 for int j 0 j columnNames.length j String columnName columnNames j String columnValue c.getString c.getColumnIndex columnName ... consume the values.. boolean b c.moveToFirst int position c.getPosition if count 1 position 0 for int j 0 j columnNames.length j String columnName columnNames j String columnValue c.getString c.getColumnIndex columnName ... consume the values here c.close I don't think..

How to extend the BaseDaoImpl class of ORMLite on Android to extend functionality


public static final String OBJECT_ID_COLUMN_NAME object_id @SerializedName value _id @DatabaseField canBeNull false columnName ID_COLUMN_NAME generatedId true private int id @SerializedName value id @DatabaseField canBeNull false columnName OBJECT_ID_COLUMN_NAME.. columnName ID_COLUMN_NAME generatedId true private int id @SerializedName value id @DatabaseField canBeNull false columnName OBJECT_ID_COLUMN_NAME index true unique true private long objectId Now I want to be able to delete business objects by id..