

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:12:06

android Programming Glossary: datahandler

Javamail api in android using XOauth


import java.util.Properties import javax.activation.DataHandler import javax.activation.DataSource import javax.mail.Session.. true MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes.. message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes text plain message.setSender..

Reading mails sent from GMail


for gmail System.out.println Mail have some attachment DataHandler handler bodyPart.getDataHandler System.out.println file name.. Mail have some attachment DataHandler handler bodyPart.getDataHandler System.out.println file name handler.getName else System.out.println..

how to send email with attached file in android?


source new FileDataSource filename messageBodyPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler source messageBodyPart.setFileName filename.. FileDataSource filename messageBodyPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler source messageBodyPart.setFileName filename _multipart.addBodyPart..

Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app


GmailSender.java YOUR PACKAGE import javax.activation.DataHandler import javax.activation.DataSource import javax.mail.Message.. Exception try MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes.. message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes text plain message.setSender..

How to send a simple email programatically? (exists a simple way to do it??)


import java.util.Properties import javax.activation.DataHandler import javax.mail.Authenticator import javax.mail.BodyPart import.. a attachments.get i BodyPart att new MimeBodyPart att.setDataHandler new DataHandler a.getDataSource att.setFileName a.getFilename.. i BodyPart att new MimeBodyPart att.setDataHandler new DataHandler a.getDataSource att.setFileName a.getFilename att.setHeader..

Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service


import java.io.InputStream import javax.activation.DataHandler import javax.activation.FileDataSource import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder.. new File C eclipse workspace AIPWebService src test.pdf DataHandler dh new DataHandler new FileDataSource file String readLine null.. workspace AIPWebService src test.pdf DataHandler dh new DataHandler new FileDataSource file String readLine null byte data new byte..

Sending email with attachment through GMailSender?


MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes.. message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes text plain message.setSender.. sender message.setSubject subject message.setDataHandler handler Create your new message part BodyPart imgPart new MimeBodyPart..

how to getAuth token and send email in background?


MimeMessage session AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.6 DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes.. Reached to Step1.6 DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes text html message.setSender.. Reached to Step1.7 message.setSubject subject message.setDataHandler handler MimeMultipart multipart new MimeMultipart related String..

Javamail api in android using XOauth


import java.security.Provider import java.security.Security import java.util.Properties import javax.activation.DataHandler import javax.activation.DataSource import javax.mail.Session import javax.mail.Transport import javax.mail.URLName import.. smtpTransport connectToSmtp smtp.gmail.com 587 user oauthToken true MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes text plain message.setSender new InternetAddress user message.setSubject.. smtp.gmail.com 587 user oauthToken true MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes text plain message.setSender new InternetAddress user message.setSubject subject..

Reading mails sent from GMail


ATTACHMENT BodyPart.ATTACHMENT doesn't work for gmail System.out.println Mail have some attachment DataHandler handler bodyPart.getDataHandler System.out.println file name handler.getName else System.out.println Content bodyPart.getContent.. doesn't work for gmail System.out.println Mail have some attachment DataHandler handler bodyPart.getDataHandler System.out.println file name handler.getName else System.out.println Content bodyPart.getContent content bodyPart.getContent..

how to send email with attached file in android?


Exception BodyPart messageBodyPart new MimeBodyPart DataSource source new FileDataSource filename messageBodyPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler source messageBodyPart.setFileName filename _multipart.addBodyPart messageBodyPart @Override public PasswordAuthentication.. messageBodyPart new MimeBodyPart DataSource source new FileDataSource filename messageBodyPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler source messageBodyPart.setFileName filename _multipart.addBodyPart messageBodyPart @Override public PasswordAuthentication..

Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app


catch Exception e Log.e SendMail e.getMessage e GmailSender.java YOUR PACKAGE import javax.activation.DataHandler import javax.activation.DataSource import javax.mail.Message import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication import javax.mail.Session.. subject String body String sender String recipients throws Exception try MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes text plain message.setSender new InternetAddress sender message.setSubject.. sender String recipients throws Exception try MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes text plain message.setSender new InternetAddress sender message.setSubject subject..

How to send a simple email programatically? (exists a simple way to do it??)


import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Calendar import java.util.Properties import javax.activation.DataHandler import javax.mail.Authenticator import javax.mail.BodyPart import javax.mail.Message import javax.mail.MessagingException.. 0 for i 0 i attachments.size i Attachment a attachments.get i BodyPart att new MimeBodyPart att.setDataHandler new DataHandler a.getDataSource att.setFileName a.getFilename att.setHeader Content ID a.getFilename mp.addBodyPart att.. 0 for i 0 i attachments.size i Attachment a attachments.get i BodyPart att new MimeBodyPart att.setDataHandler new DataHandler a.getDataSource att.setFileName a.getFilename att.setHeader Content ID a.getFilename mp.addBodyPart att msg.setContent..

Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service


import java.io.FileNotFoundException import java.io.IOException import java.io.InputStream import javax.activation.DataHandler import javax.activation.FileDataSource import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder public class SendPDFImpl implements SendPDF @Override.. new String 2 BASE64Encoder encoder new BASE64Encoder File file new File C eclipse workspace AIPWebService src test.pdf DataHandler dh new DataHandler new FileDataSource file String readLine null byte data new byte int file.length int offset 0 int numRead.. encoder new BASE64Encoder File file new File C eclipse workspace AIPWebService src test.pdf DataHandler dh new DataHandler new FileDataSource file String readLine null byte data new byte int file.length int offset 0 int numRead 0 InputStream stream..

Sending email with attachment through GMailSender?


try Thread.currentThread .setContextClassLoader getClass .getClassLoader MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes text plain message.setSender new InternetAddress sender message.setSubject.. .setContextClassLoader getClass .getClassLoader MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes text plain message.setSender new InternetAddress sender message.setSubject subject.. body.getBytes text plain message.setSender new InternetAddress sender message.setSubject subject message.setDataHandler handler Create your new message part BodyPart imgPart new MimeBodyPart Create a related multi part to combine the parts..

how to getAuth token and send email in background?


Reached to Step1.5 MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.6 DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes text html message.setSender new InternetAddress sender message.setRecipients.. to Step1.5 MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.6 DataHandler handler new DataHandler new ByteArrayDataSource body.getBytes text html message.setSender new InternetAddress sender message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO.. InternetAddress.parse recipients AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.7 message.setSubject subject message.setDataHandler handler MimeMultipart multipart new MimeMultipart related String htmlText null BodyPart messageBodyPart new MimeBodyPart..