

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:12:11

android Programming Glossary: dateformat.format

Android facebook SDK, upload pictures to wall with profile in different language?


Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getMinutes currentTime DateFormat.format hh mm d.getTime currentDate DateFormat.format dd MM yyyy d.getTime.. currentTime DateFormat.format hh mm d.getTime currentDate DateFormat.format dd MM yyyy d.getTime Cursor cursor Constants.dbHelper .GetDataFromImageName..

OnClickListener not working for first item in GridView


2 int theyear Integer.parseInt day_color 3 String date DateFormat.format dd M yy new Date theyear themonth theday .toString if eventsMap.isEmpty..

how to get current week days in calender


this.findViewById R.id.currentMonth currentMonth.setText DateFormat.format dateTemplate _calendar.getTime nextMonth ImageView this.findViewById.. 1 _calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK currentMonth.setText DateFormat.format dateTemplate _calendar.getTime adapter.notifyDataSetChanged..

Displaying the Time in AM/PM format in android


getReminingTime String delegate hh mm aaa return String DateFormat.format delegate Calendar.getInstance .getTime share improve this..

How to use a custom typeface in a widget?


System.currentTimeMillis final CharSequence time DateFormat.format mTimeFormat mCalendar final CharSequence date DateFormat.format.. mTimeFormat mCalendar final CharSequence date DateFormat.format mDateFormat mCalendar final CharSequence day DateFormat.format.. mDateFormat mCalendar final CharSequence day DateFormat.format mDayFormat mCalendar RemoteViews views new RemoteViews getPackageName..

Android: DigitalClock remove seconds


System.currentTimeMillis setText DateFormat.format mFormat mCalendar invalidate long now SystemClock.uptimeMillis..

How can I get current date in Android?


I wrote the following code Date d new Date CharSequence s DateFormat.format MMMM d yyyy d.getTime But is asking me parameter I want current..

Android get date before 7 days (one week)


Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database


contactNumber values.put duration duration values.put date dateFormat.format date values.put current_time currTime values.put cont 1 getBaseContext.. nContact Name contactName nDuration duration nDate dateFormat.format date setListAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.listitem.. contactNumber values.put duration duration values.put date dateFormat.format date values.put current_time currTime values.put cont 1 getBaseContext..

How do you format date and time in Android?


getApplicationContext mTimeText.setText Time dateFormat.format date You can initialise a Date object with your own values however..

How to insert a SQLite record with a datetime set to 'now' in Android application?


new ContentValues initialValues.put date_created dateFormat.format date long rowId mDb.insert DATABASE_TABLE null initialValues..

Android, How can I Convert String to Date?


MM dd'T'HH mm ss'Z' try Date date new Date String datetime dateFormat.format date System.out.println Current Date Time datetime catch ParseException..

Android facebook SDK, upload pictures to wall with profile in different language?


POST time Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getHours Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getMinutes currentTime DateFormat.format hh mm d.getTime currentDate DateFormat.format dd MM yyyy d.getTime Cursor cursor Constants.dbHelper .GetDataFromImageName.. .getHours Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getMinutes currentTime DateFormat.format hh mm d.getTime currentDate DateFormat.format dd MM yyyy d.getTime Cursor cursor Constants.dbHelper .GetDataFromImageName Constants.enhancedImage .getImagename if..

OnClickListener not working for first item in GridView


day_color 0 int themonth Integer.parseInt day_color 2 int theyear Integer.parseInt day_color 3 String date DateFormat.format dd M yy new Date theyear themonth theday .toString if eventsMap.isEmpty eventsMap null if eventsMap.containsKey date ..

how to get current week days in calender


prevMonth.setOnClickListener this currentMonth TextView this.findViewById R.id.currentMonth currentMonth.setText DateFormat.format dateTemplate _calendar.getTime nextMonth ImageView this.findViewById R.id.nextMonth nextMonth.setOnClickListener this calendarView.. month year _calendar.set year month 1 _calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK currentMonth.setText DateFormat.format dateTemplate _calendar.getTime adapter.notifyDataSetChanged calendarView.setAdapter adapter @Override public void onClick..

Displaying the Time in AM/PM format in android


How to use a custom typeface in a widget?


intent return null private void update mCalendar.setTimeInMillis System.currentTimeMillis final CharSequence time DateFormat.format mTimeFormat mCalendar final CharSequence date DateFormat.format mDateFormat mCalendar final CharSequence day DateFormat.format.. System.currentTimeMillis final CharSequence time DateFormat.format mTimeFormat mCalendar final CharSequence date DateFormat.format mDateFormat mCalendar final CharSequence day DateFormat.format mDayFormat mCalendar RemoteViews views new RemoteViews getPackageName.. mTimeFormat mCalendar final CharSequence date DateFormat.format mDateFormat mCalendar final CharSequence day DateFormat.format mDayFormat mCalendar RemoteViews views new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.main views.setTextViewText R.id.Time time..

Android: DigitalClock remove seconds


new Runnable public void run if mTickerStopped return mCalendar.setTimeInMillis System.currentTimeMillis setText DateFormat.format mFormat mCalendar invalidate long now SystemClock.uptimeMillis long next now 1000 now 1000 mHandler.postAtTime mTicker..

How can I get current date in Android?


can I get current date in Android I wrote the following code Date d new Date CharSequence s DateFormat.format MMMM d yyyy d.getTime But is asking me parameter I want current date in string format like 28 Dec 2011 so that I can set..

Android get date before 7 days (one week)


Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database


values.put number_type numType values.put contact_number contactNumber values.put duration duration values.put date dateFormat.format date values.put current_time currTime values.put cont 1 getBaseContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI.. Toast.LENGTH_LONG callList.add Contact Number contactNumber nContact Name contactName nDuration duration nDate dateFormat.format date setListAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.listitem callList ListView lv getListView lv.setTextFilterEnabled.. values.put number_type numType values.put contact_number contactNumber values.put duration duration values.put date dateFormat.format date values.put current_time currTime values.put cont 1 getBaseContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI..

How do you format date and time in Android?


DateFormat dateFormat android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat getApplicationContext mTimeText.setText Time dateFormat.format date You can initialise a Date object with your own values however you should be aware that the constructors have been deprecated..

How to insert a SQLite record with a datetime set to 'now' in Android application?


Android, How can I Convert String to Date?


SimpleDateFormat dateformat new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ss'Z' try Date date new Date String datetime dateFormat.format date System.out.println Current Date Time datetime catch ParseException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace..