

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:12:12

android Programming Glossary: dbcreator

Android SQLiteOpenHelper cannot open database file


Ive copied implementation of SQLiteOpenHelper public class DBCreator extends SQLiteOpenHelper private static final String DATABASE_NAME.. TIME time public static final String TITLE title public DBCreator Context context super context DATABASE_NAME null DATABASE_VERSION.. int timezone int encryption int customkey text Log.d DBCreator Creating GATEWAYS_TABLE table db.execSQL gatewaytablescript..

Android SQLiteOpenHelper cannot open database file


to ask it one more time. I have problem creating database. Ive copied implementation of SQLiteOpenHelper public class DBCreator extends SQLiteOpenHelper private static final String DATABASE_NAME servision.db private static final int DATABASE_VERSION.. final String TABLE events Columns public static final String TIME time public static final String TITLE title public DBCreator Context context super context DATABASE_NAME null DATABASE_VERSION @Override public void onCreate SQLiteDatabase db try.. proxyPort port desc text secondaryip text secondaryport int timezone int encryption int customkey text Log.d DBCreator Creating GATEWAYS_TABLE table db.execSQL gatewaytablescript String infotablescript create table INFO_TABLE key text value..