

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:12:12

android Programming Glossary: db_initialized

Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button?


final String TAG YourActivity private static final String DB_INITIALIZED db_initialized private static final String Dir_Check Dir_Check.. MODE_PRIVATE boolean initialized prefs.getBoolean DB_INITIALIZED false Check if billing is supported. ResponseHandler.register.. SharedPreferences.Editor edit prefs.edit edit.putBoolean DB_INITIALIZED true edit.commit mOwnedItemsCursor mPurchaseDatabase .queryAllPurchasedHistroyTabelItems..

Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing)


the purchases for this user. private static final String DB_INITIALIZED db_initialized private mStampiiPurchaseObserver mStampiiPurchaseObserver.. MODE_PRIVATE boolean initialized prefs.getBoolean DB_INITIALIZED false if initialized mBillingService.restoreTransactions Toast.makeText.. SharedPreferences.Editor edit prefs.edit edit.putBoolean DB_INITIALIZED true edit.commit else if Consts.DEBUG Log.d TAG RestoreTransactions..

Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button?


void onDestroy close_unbind super.onDestroy private static final String TAG YourActivity private static final String DB_INITIALIZED db_initialized private static final String Dir_Check Dir_Check private DungeonsPurchaseObserver mDungeonsPurchaseObserver.. mOwnedItemsCursor SharedPreferences prefs getPreferences MODE_PRIVATE boolean initialized prefs.getBoolean DB_INITIALIZED false Check if billing is supported. ResponseHandler.register mDungeonsPurchaseObserver if mBillingService.checkBillingSupported.. SharedPreferences prefs getPreferences Context.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor edit prefs.edit edit.putBoolean DB_INITIALIZED true edit.commit mOwnedItemsCursor mPurchaseDatabase .queryAllPurchasedHistroyTabelItems Log.d TAG String.valueOf mOwnedItemsCursor.getCount..

Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing)


then we perform a RestoreTransactions request to get all the purchases for this user. private static final String DB_INITIALIZED db_initialized private mStampiiPurchaseObserver mStampiiPurchaseObserver private Handler mHandler private BillingService.. private void restoreDatabase SharedPreferences prefs getPreferences MODE_PRIVATE boolean initialized prefs.getBoolean DB_INITIALIZED false if initialized mBillingService.restoreTransactions Toast.makeText this Restoring Transactions Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. SharedPreferences prefs getPreferences Context.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor edit prefs.edit edit.putBoolean DB_INITIALIZED true edit.commit else if Consts.DEBUG Log.d TAG RestoreTransactions error responseCode Called when this activity..