

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:12:17

android Programming Glossary: deltaxabs

Android listview row delete animation


event.getX v.getTranslationX float deltaX x mDownX float deltaXAbs Math.abs deltaX if mSwiping if deltaXAbs mSwipeSlop mSwiping.. x mDownX float deltaXAbs Math.abs deltaX if mSwiping if deltaXAbs mSwipeSlop mSwiping true mListView.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent.. if mSwiping v.setTranslationX x mDownX v.setAlpha 1 deltaXAbs v.getWidth break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP User let go..

Android listview row delete animation


false break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE float x event.getX v.getTranslationX float deltaX x mDownX float deltaXAbs Math.abs deltaX if mSwiping if deltaXAbs mSwipeSlop mSwiping true mListView.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent true.. float x event.getX v.getTranslationX float deltaX x mDownX float deltaXAbs Math.abs deltaX if mSwiping if deltaXAbs mSwipeSlop mSwiping true mListView.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent true mBackgroundContainer.showBackground v.getTop.. mBackgroundContainer.showBackground v.getTop v.getHeight if mSwiping v.setTranslationX x mDownX v.setAlpha 1 deltaXAbs v.getWidth break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP User let go figure out whether to animate the view out or back into place..