

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:12:27

android Programming Glossary: dips

support for different screen sizes in android


.density And don't forget dpi 160 At 160dpi pixels dips density dpi Also refer support multiple screen in android share..

Android - Animate a View's topMargin/bottomMargin/etc in LinearLayout or RelativeLayout


worked for me. First decide the bottom margins in dips for the menu being up completely visible or down most of it.. boolean isUp layoutParams.bottomMargin dipsToPixels BOTTOM_MARGIN_UP menuLinearLayout.startAnimation isUp.. TranslateAnimation animation new TranslateAnimation 0 0 0 dipsToPixels fromMargin toMargin animation.setDuration 250 animation.setAnimationListener..

Does setWidth(int pixels) use dip or px?


example does setWidth 100 set the a view's width to 100 dips or 100 pxs Thanks. android width pixels units of measurement.. It uses pixels but I'm sure you're wondering how to use dips instead. The answer is in TypedValue.applyDimension . Here's.. . Here's an example of how to convert dips to px in code Converts 14 dip into its equivalent px Resources..

Open-sided Android stroke?


answer. edit Sometimes for High Density devices using low dips may end in very thin or invisible strokes or distances. This..

How to set unit for Paint.setTextSize()


static final float GESTURE_THRESHOLD_DIP 16.0f Convert the dips to pixels final float scale getContext .getResources .getDisplayMetrics..

How do you make layouts for several Android screen sizes?


density. Density is handled by providing measurements in dips and scaled resources as appropriate. But density does not always..

basics of device-independent-pixels


of device independent pixels im throughoutly confused by dips on Android. I understand from the reference that the base for..

Margins of a LinearLayout, programmatically with dp


density. Something like this int dpValue 5 margin in dips float d context.getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density int..

support for different screen sizes in android


Android - Animate a View's topMargin/bottomMargin/etc in LinearLayout or RelativeLayout


android animation share improve this question The following worked for me. First decide the bottom margins in dips for the menu being up completely visible or down most of it hidden . private static final int BOTTOM_MARGIN_UP 50 My menu.. layoutParams ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams menuLinearLayout.getLayoutParams boolean isUp layoutParams.bottomMargin dipsToPixels BOTTOM_MARGIN_UP menuLinearLayout.startAnimation isUp downAnimation upAnimation return true And here comes the.. makeAnimation final int fromMargin final int toMargin TranslateAnimation animation new TranslateAnimation 0 0 0 dipsToPixels fromMargin toMargin animation.setDuration 250 animation.setAnimationListener new Animation.AnimationListener public..

Does setWidth(int pixels) use dip or px?


use device independent pixel or physical pixel as unit For example does setWidth 100 set the a view's width to 100 dips or 100 pxs Thanks. android width pixels units of measurement dip share improve this question It uses pixels but I'm.. units of measurement dip share improve this question It uses pixels but I'm sure you're wondering how to use dips instead. The answer is in TypedValue.applyDimension . Here's an example of how to convert dips to px in code Converts 14.. wondering how to use dips instead. The answer is in TypedValue.applyDimension . Here's an example of how to convert dips to px in code Converts 14 dip into its equivalent px Resources r getResources float px TypedValue.applyDimension TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP..

Open-sided Android stroke?


background color you can add a solid shape color as in above answer. edit Sometimes for High Density devices using low dips may end in very thin or invisible strokes or distances. This may happen to you also when setting ListView dividers. The..

How to set unit for Paint.setTextSize()


it like this The gesture threshold expressed in dip private static final float GESTURE_THRESHOLD_DIP 16.0f Convert the dips to pixels final float scale getContext .getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density mGestureThreshold int GESTURE_THRESHOLD_DIP..

How do you make layouts for several Android screen sizes?


to consider when it comes to screen size physical size and density. Density is handled by providing measurements in dips and scaled resources as appropriate. But density does not always imply size or vice versa. See http developer.android.com..

basics of device-independent-pixels


of device independent pixels im throughoutly confused by dips on Android. I understand from the reference that the base for dp values is 160. So shouldn't 80dp in width equals a view..

Margins of a LinearLayout, programmatically with dp


question You can use DisplayMetrics and determine the screen density. Something like this int dpValue 5 margin in dips float d context.getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density int margin int dpValue d margin in pixels As I remember it's better..