

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:16:33

android Programming Glossary: isonline

Check network connection android


code to check the network connection WIFI public boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService..

cant create handler inside thread that has not called looper prepare


the user clicks the Send button public void sendMessage if isOnline Toast.makeText MainActivity.this No Internet Access..Cannot.. R.menu.activity_main menu return true public boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService.. View v TODO Auto generated method stub if v btnsend if isOnline Toast.makeText MainActivity.this No Internet Access..Cannot..

XMPP aSmack - How can I get the current user state (offline/online/away/etc.)?


public static int retrieveState_mode Mode userMode boolean isOnline int userState 0 0 for offline 1 for online 2 for away 3 for.. userMode Mode.away userMode Mode.xa userState 2 else if isOnline userState 1 return userState Let me know if you have any problem..

How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts


add a null check. Modified solution below public boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService..

Android reading stored sqlite database


itcItems ListView rootView.findViewById R.id.streamList if isOnline getActivity db new DataBaseHandler getActivity getDataInAsyncTask..

How to check my internet access on Android?


on my MainActivity but still didn't work. public boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService..

Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList)


of choice for our list lstTest.setAdapter arrayAdapter if isOnline Instantiate the Web Service Class with he URL of the web service.. position startActivity care protected boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main if isOnline prjcts new ArrayList Project WebService webService new WebService..

Check network connection android


my application which I test on emulator I use the following code to check the network connection WIFI public boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo netInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo..

cant create handler inside thread that has not called looper prepare


R.id.btnsend btnsend.setOnClickListener this Called when the user clicks the Send button public void sendMessage if isOnline Toast.makeText MainActivity.this No Internet Access..Cannot Send SMS Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else String userName editUserName.getText.. boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu getMenuInflater .inflate R.menu.activity_main menu return true public boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo netInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo.. return true return false public void onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub if v btnsend if isOnline Toast.makeText MainActivity.this No Internet Access..Cannot Send SMS Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else pd ProgressDialog.show..

XMPP aSmack - How can I get the current user state (offline/online/away/etc.)?


availability.getMode availability.isAvailable public static int retrieveState_mode Mode userMode boolean isOnline int userState 0 0 for offline 1 for online 2 for away 3 for busy if userMode Mode.dnd userState 3 else if userMode Mode.away..

How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts


network cm.getActiveNetworkInfo will be null so you need to add a null check. Modified solution below public boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo netInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo..

Android reading stored sqlite database


inflater.inflate R.layout.common_listview container false itcItems ListView rootView.findViewById R.id.streamList if isOnline getActivity db new DataBaseHandler getActivity getDataInAsyncTask getImage db else db.openDataBase is this right way..

How to check my internet access on Android?


dialog that he or she has no connection. I tried to put this on my MainActivity but still didn't work. public boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE return cm.getActiveNetworkInfo..

Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList)


ProjectsList.this Set the above adapter as the adapter of choice for our list lstTest.setAdapter arrayAdapter if isOnline Instantiate the Web Service Class with he URL of the web service not that you must pass WebService webService new WebService.. ProjectDetail.class care.putExtra spendino.de.ProjectDetail.position position startActivity care protected boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo netInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main if isOnline prjcts new ArrayList Project WebService webService new WebService http liebenwald.spendino.net admanager dev android projects.json..