

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:16:34

android Programming Glossary: isstarted

AsyncTaskLoader onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change


in while the loader is stopped return result data if isStarted super.deliverResult data @Override protected void onStartLoading..

How can I alter a MenuItem on the Options Menu on Android?


public class MyActivity extends Activity private boolean isStarted false @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu.. MenuItem item switch item.getItemId case R.id.start isStarted true return true case R.id.stop isStarted false return true.. case R.id.start isStarted true return true case R.id.stop isStarted false return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected..

Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider


return Cursor oldCursor mCursor mCursor cursor if isStarted super.deliverResult cursor if oldCursor null oldCursor cursor..

AsyncTaskLoader onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change


void deliverResult String data if isReset An async query came in while the loader is stopped return result data if isStarted super.deliverResult data @Override protected void onStartLoading if result null deliverResult result Only do a load..

How can I alter a MenuItem on the Options Menu on Android?


I should probably remove stop when the menu is created public class MyActivity extends Activity private boolean isStarted false @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater menu.removeItem R.id.stop.. menu return true @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected MenuItem item switch item.getItemId case R.id.start isStarted true return true case R.id.stop isStarted false return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item @Override public.. onOptionsItemSelected MenuItem item switch item.getItemId case R.id.start isStarted true return true case R.id.stop isStarted false return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item @Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu Menu menu..

Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider


came in while the loader is stopped if cursor null cursor.close return Cursor oldCursor mCursor mCursor cursor if isStarted super.deliverResult cursor if oldCursor null oldCursor cursor oldCursor.isClosed oldCursor.close Starts an asynchronous..