

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:01

android Programming Glossary: location.getlatitude

How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2?


CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng new LatLng location.getLatitude location.getLongitude with whatever functionality you need to.. CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng new LatLng location.getLatitude location.getLongitude @Override public void onStatusChanged..

LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called


location longitudeGPS location.getLongitude latitudeGPS location.getLatitude Log.d TAG LocationChangedGPS LAT latitudeGPS longi longitudeGPS.. location longitudeNET location.getLongitude latitudeNET location.getLatitude Log.d TAG LocationChangedNET LAT latitudeNET longi longitudeNET.. Log.d FusedLocationService Location received successfully location.getLatitude location.getLongitude in Long.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis..

How to get Latitude and Longitude of the mobiledevice in android?


double longitude location.getLongitude double latitude location.getLatitude The call to getLastKnownLocation doesn't block which means it.. Location location longitude location.getLongitude latitude location.getLatitude lm.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS 2000 10 locationListener..

find current location latitude and longitude


String latLongString if location null double lat location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude latLongString Lat lat nLong.. if location null double latitude location.getLatitude double longitude location.getLongitude private void updateWithNewLocation.. String latLongString if location null double lat location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude latLongString Lat lat nLong..

Calculate compass bearing / heading to location in Android


location geoField new GeomagneticField Double.valueOf location.getLatitude .floatValue Double.valueOf location.getLongitude .floatValue..

Geocoder.getFromLocation throws IOException on Android emulator


location if location null latitude location.getLatitude longtitude location.getLongitude try Geocoder geocoder new.. List Address addresses geocoder.getFromLocation location.getLatitude location.getLongitude 1 myList geocoder.getFromLocation location.getLatitude.. location.getLongitude 1 myList geocoder.getFromLocation location.getLatitude location.getLongitude 10 StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder..

Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client


MyItemizedOverlay drawable GeoPoint point new GeoPoint int location.getLatitude 1E6 int location.getLongitude 1E6 OverlayItem overlayitem new..

Service not Available - Geocoder Android [duplicate]


address null Address location address.get 0 g.setLatitude location.getLatitude g.setLongitude location.getLongitude ... The error is 08 18..

How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2?


API v1. So you can simply replace this line of code mMap.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng new LatLng location.getLatitude location.getLongitude with whatever functionality you need to be executed when the location changes. public class PlaceMapFragment.. the reason for we created this custom Location Source mMap.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng new LatLng location.getLatitude location.getLongitude @Override public void onStatusChanged String s int i Bundle bundle @Override public void onProviderEnabled..

LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called


@Override public void onLocationChanged Location location longitudeGPS location.getLongitude latitudeGPS location.getLatitude Log.d TAG LocationChangedGPS LAT latitudeGPS longi longitudeGPS gpsComSinal true LocationListener locationListenerNET.. @Override public void onLocationChanged Location location longitudeNET location.getLongitude latitudeNET location.getLatitude Log.d TAG LocationChangedNET LAT latitudeNET longi longitudeNET netComSinal true Code public void initProviders localizacao.. onLocationChanged Location location synchronized locking Log.d FusedLocationService Location received successfully location.getLatitude location.getLongitude in Long.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis now ms handler.removeCallbacks onFusedLocationProviderTimeout..

How to get Latitude and Longitude of the mobiledevice in android?


location lm.getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER double longitude location.getLongitude double latitude location.getLatitude The call to getLastKnownLocation doesn't block which means it will return null if no position is currently available so.. new LocationListener public void onLocationChanged Location location longitude location.getLongitude latitude location.getLatitude lm.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS 2000 10 locationListener You'll need to give your application the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION..

find current location latitude and longitude


TextView myLocationText TextView findViewById R.id.myLocationText String latLongString if location null double lat location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude latLongString Lat lat nLong lng else latLongString No location found myLocationText.setText.. Location location locManager .getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER if location null double latitude location.getLatitude double longitude location.getLongitude private void updateWithNewLocation Location location TextView myLocationText TextView.. location TextView myLocationText TextView findViewById R.id.text String latLongString if location null double lat location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude latLongString Lat lat nLong lng else latLongString No location found myLocationText.setText..

Calculate compass bearing / heading to location in Android


new LocationListener public void onLocationChanged Location location geoField new GeomagneticField Double.valueOf location.getLatitude .floatValue Double.valueOf location.getLongitude .floatValue Double.valueOf location.getAltitude .floatValue System.currentTimeMillis..

Geocoder.getFromLocation throws IOException on Android emulator


@Override public void onLocationChanged android.location.Location location if location null latitude location.getLatitude longtitude location.getLongitude try Geocoder geocoder new Geocoder WeatherCastDemo.this Locale.getDefault List Address.. Geocoder geocoder new Geocoder WeatherCastDemo.this Locale.getDefault List Address addresses geocoder.getFromLocation location.getLatitude location.getLongitude 1 myList geocoder.getFromLocation location.getLatitude location.getLongitude 10 StringBuilder.. addresses geocoder.getFromLocation location.getLatitude location.getLongitude 1 myList geocoder.getFromLocation location.getLatitude location.getLongitude 10 StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder if myList.size 0 Address address myList.get 0 for int..

Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client


R.drawable.XXXX MyItemizedOverlay myItemizedOverlay new MyItemizedOverlay drawable GeoPoint point new GeoPoint int location.getLatitude 1E6 int location.getLongitude 1E6 OverlayItem overlayitem new OverlayItem point Hola Mundo I'm in Mexico City myItemizedOverlay.addOverlay..

Service not Available - Geocoder Android [duplicate]


address address coder.getFromLocationName g.getAddress 5 if address null Address location address.get 0 g.setLatitude location.getLatitude g.setLongitude location.getLongitude ... The error is 08 18 14 28 56.026 WARN System.err 359 java.io.IOException Service..