

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:02

android Programming Glossary: logd

Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK


cstring #include unistd.h #define LOG_TAG DEBUG #define LOGD ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__.. JNIEnv env jobject obj jobject bitmap getting bitmap info LOGD reading bitmap info... AndroidBitmapInfo info int ret if ret.. LOGE AndroidBitmap_getInfo failed error d ret return NULL LOGD width d height d stride d info.width info.height info.stride..

How to cache bitmaps into native memory


cstring #include unistd.h #define LOG_TAG DEBUG #define LOGD ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__.. handle if jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL LOGD no bitmap data was stored. returning null... return NULL creating.. int width int height Bitmap.Config config LOGD creating new bitmap... jclass bitmapCls env FindClass android..

JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed]


cstring #include unistd.h #define LOG_TAG DEBUG #define LOGD ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__.. handle if jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL LOGD no bitmap data was stored. returning null... return NULL creating.. int width int height Bitmap.Config config LOGD creating new bitmap... jclass bitmapCls env FindClass android..

Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK


log.h #include stdio.h #include android bitmap.h #include cstring #include unistd.h #define LOG_TAG DEBUG #define LOGD ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG.. Java_com_example_jnitest_MainActivity_rotateBitmapCcw90 JNIEnv env jobject obj jobject bitmap getting bitmap info LOGD reading bitmap info... AndroidBitmapInfo info int ret if ret AndroidBitmap_getInfo env bitmap info 0 LOGE AndroidBitmap_getInfo.. info int ret if ret AndroidBitmap_getInfo env bitmap info 0 LOGE AndroidBitmap_getInfo failed error d ret return NULL LOGD width d height d stride d info.width info.height info.stride if info.format ANDROID_BITMAP_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 LOGE Bitmap..

How to cache bitmaps into native memory


log.h #include stdio.h #include android bitmap.h #include cstring #include unistd.h #define LOG_TAG DEBUG #define LOGD ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG.. jobject handle JniBitmap jniBitmap JniBitmap env GetDirectBufferAddress handle if jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL LOGD no bitmap data was stored. returning null... return NULL creating a new bitmap to put the pixels into it using Bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap.. a new bitmap to put the pixels into it using Bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap int width int height Bitmap.Config config LOGD creating new bitmap... jclass bitmapCls env FindClass android graphics Bitmap jmethodID createBitmapFunction env GetStaticMethodID..

JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed]


log.h #include stdio.h #include android bitmap.h #include cstring #include unistd.h #define LOG_TAG DEBUG #define LOGD ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG.. jobject handle JniBitmap jniBitmap JniBitmap env GetDirectBufferAddress handle if jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL LOGD no bitmap data was stored. returning null... return NULL creating a new bitmap to put the pixels into it using Bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap.. a new bitmap to put the pixels into it using Bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap int width int height Bitmap.Config config LOGD creating new bitmap... jclass bitmapCls env FindClass android graphics Bitmap jmethodID createBitmapFunction env GetStaticMethodID..