

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:03

android Programming Glossary: logtag

Simulating power button press to display switch off dialog box


.injectKeyEvent up true catch RemoteException e Log.d LOGTAG SendKeyEvent exception e.getMessage Fifth approach try Context..

Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed


thread that makes the socket public void run if I Log.i LOGTAG Attempt Connection with IP serverIP ... setName AttemptConnectionThread.. true connected catch UnknownHostException e if I Log.i LOGTAG ...UnknownException e e.getMessage shows e.getMessage connectionFailed.. catch SocketTimeoutException e if I Log.i LOGTAG ...SocketTimoutException e e.getMessage shows e.getMessage ..

AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart


foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException e Log.d LOGTAG Error vendor does not exist if foundClockImpl Vibrator vibrator..

Android: How do you check if a particular AccessibilityService is enabled


Log.d LOGTAG ACCESSIBILITY accessibilityEnabled catch SettingNotFoundException.. catch SettingNotFoundException e Log.d LOGTAG Error finding setting default accessibility to not found e.getMessage.. ' ' if accessibilityEnabled 1 Log.d LOGTAG ACCESSIBILIY IS ENABLED String settingValue Settings.Secure.getString..

Android Swipe on List


when no action was detected private static final String logTag SwipeDetector private static final int MIN_DISTANCE 100 private.. deltaX MIN_DISTANCE left or right if deltaX 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Left to Right mSwipeDetected Action.LR return false.. Action.LR return false if deltaX 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Right to Left mSwipeDetected Action.RL return false..

Simulating power button press to display switch off dialog box


ServiceManager.getService window .injectKeyEvent up true catch RemoteException e Log.d LOGTAG SendKeyEvent exception e.getMessage Fifth approach try Context mContext getBaseContext Dialog dialog new Dialog mContext..

Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed


break catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace The thread that makes the socket public void run if I Log.i LOGTAG Attempt Connection with IP serverIP ... setName AttemptConnectionThread connectionStatus TCP_SOCKET_STATUS_CONNECTING try.. socketClient tempSocketClient socketClient.setTcpNoDelay true connected catch UnknownHostException e if I Log.i LOGTAG ...UnknownException e e.getMessage shows e.getMessage connectionFailed catch SocketTimeoutException e if I Log.i LOGTAG.. ...UnknownException e e.getMessage shows e.getMessage connectionFailed catch SocketTimeoutException e if I Log.i LOGTAG ...SocketTimoutException e e.getMessage shows e.getMessage connectionFailed catch IOException e if I Log.i LOGTAG ...caught..

AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart


alarmClockIntent.setComponent cn foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException e Log.d LOGTAG Error vendor does not exist if foundClockImpl Vibrator vibrator Vibrator context.getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE..

Android: How do you check if a particular AccessibilityService is enabled


Settings.Secure.getInt this.getContentResolver android.provider.Settings.Secure.ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED Log.d LOGTAG ACCESSIBILITY accessibilityEnabled catch SettingNotFoundException e Log.d LOGTAG Error finding setting default accessibility.. Log.d LOGTAG ACCESSIBILITY accessibilityEnabled catch SettingNotFoundException e Log.d LOGTAG Error finding setting default accessibility to not found e.getMessage TextUtils.SimpleStringSplitter mStringColonSplitter.. mStringColonSplitter new TextUtils.SimpleStringSplitter ' ' if accessibilityEnabled 1 Log.d LOGTAG ACCESSIBILIY IS ENABLED String settingValue Settings.Secure.getString getContentResolver Settings.Secure.ENABLED_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICES..

Android Swipe on List


Right RL Right to Left TB Top to bottom BT Bottom to Top None when no action was detected private static final String logTag SwipeDetector private static final int MIN_DISTANCE 100 private float downX downY upX upY private Action mSwipeDetected.. float deltaY downY upY horizontal swipe detection if Math.abs deltaX MIN_DISTANCE left or right if deltaX 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Left to Right mSwipeDetected Action.LR return false if deltaX 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Right to Left mSwipeDetected.. or right if deltaX 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Left to Right mSwipeDetected Action.LR return false if deltaX 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Right to Left mSwipeDetected Action.RL return false else if Math.abs deltaY MIN_DISTANCE vertical swipe detection..