

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:02

android Programming Glossary: loginactivity.this

difference and when to use getApplication(), getApplicationContext(), getBaseContext() and someClass.this


these and in which cases to i use them Toast.makeText LoginActivity.this LogIn successful Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Toast.makeText getApplication.. to context . And getApplication getApplicationContext LoginActivity.this and getBaseContext they all offer reference to the context... to treat it as a new task. Now referring to your cases LoginActivity.this though its referring to your own class which extends Activity..

ProcessDialog is not appearing properly?


TextView error RequestClient reqClient new RequestClient LoginActivity.this String AppResponse null try url myurl Log.d URL url AppResponse.. On Button click RequestClient reqClient new RequestClient LoginActivity.this new TheInterface @Override public void theMethod String result..

How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate]


dialog in main thread progressDialog ProgressDialog.show LoginActivity.this Login in Wait a moment please true false next couple of lines.. com servidor. progressDialog ProgressDialog.show LoginActivity.this Autenticando Contactando o servidor por favor aguarde alguns.. Informe novamente ou cadastre se antes pela internet. LoginActivity.this return Log.d TAG Login passou persistindo info de login local..

difference and when to use getApplication(), getApplicationContext(), getBaseContext() and someClass.this


code lines when i launch a toast what is the differece between these and in which cases to i use them Toast.makeText LoginActivity.this LogIn successful Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Toast.makeText getApplication LogIn successful Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Toast.makeText.. improve this question Toast and Intent both requires reference to context . And getApplication getApplicationContext LoginActivity.this and getBaseContext they all offer reference to the context. Now the thing confuses is the declaration of different contexts.. you need to set flag Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK in intent to treat it as a new task. Now referring to your cases LoginActivity.this though its referring to your own class which extends Activity class but the base class Activity also extends Context class..

ProcessDialog is not appearing properly?


public void postHttpRequest String userId String pass TextView error RequestClient reqClient new RequestClient LoginActivity.this String AppResponse null try url myurl Log.d URL url AppResponse reqClient.execute .get String status ValidateLoginStatus.checkLoginStatus.. UI thread although I can't think of many reasons to do that. On Button click RequestClient reqClient new RequestClient LoginActivity.this new TheInterface @Override public void theMethod String result Log.i Result result reqClient.execute url no get . pass..

How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate]


public void onClick View v next line should start progress dialog in main thread progressDialog ProgressDialog.show LoginActivity.this Login in Wait a moment please true false next couple of lines should do an ascyn call to server EfetuaLogin efetuaLogin.. de EfetuaLogin inicia diálogo de progresso mostranto processamento com servidor. progressDialog ProgressDialog.show LoginActivity.this Autenticando Contactando o servidor por favor aguarde alguns instantes. true false @SuppressWarnings unchecked @Override.. Os dados informados não foram encontrados no Sistema Informe novamente ou cadastre se antes pela internet. LoginActivity.this return Log.d TAG Login passou persistindo info de login local no device ContentValues contentValues new ContentValues..