

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:30

android Programming Glossary: manifest.mf

Android differences between signed and unsigned .apk files?


Custom Class Loading in Dalvik with Gradle (Android New Build System)


.jar will contain a single classes.dex file besides the MANIFEST.MF file . Just copy that into your app assets folder you can always..

Can values defined in MANIFEST.MF be accessed programmatically?


values defined in MANIFEST.MF be accessed programmatically Can I access the values defined..

Trying to manually sign android package with jarsigner.exe and install with adb.exe


HelloWorld.unsigned.apk androiddebugkey adding META INF MANIFEST.MF adding META INF CERT.SF adding META INF CERT.RSA signing res..

Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it?


proguard Warning can't write resource META INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry libmessaging.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF proguard.. MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry libmessaging.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF proguard Copying resources from program jar C Workspace UI MyApp.. 2.3.0.jar proguard Warning can't write resource META INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry protobuf 2.3.0.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF..

Android Proguard Duplicate Definition


Can't read path projectname libs jmdns.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF library.properties Duplicate zip entry jmdns.jar javax jmdns..

Android differences between signed and unsigned .apk files?


Custom Class Loading in Dalvik with Gradle (Android New Build System)


task and your final .jar file buildDir libs archivesBaseName .jar will contain a single classes.dex file besides the MANIFEST.MF file . Just copy that into your app assets folder you can always automate that with Gradle as we've done but that is out..

Can values defined in MANIFEST.MF be accessed programmatically?


values defined in MANIFEST.MF be accessed programmatically Can I access the values defined in a java manifest from code java android jar manifest ..

Trying to manually sign android package with jarsigner.exe and install with adb.exe


SHA1withRSA sigfile CERT signedjar temp HelloWorld2.apk temp HelloWorld.unsigned.apk androiddebugkey adding META INF MANIFEST.MF adding META INF CERT.SF adding META INF CERT.RSA signing res layout main.xml signing AndroidManifest.xml signing resources.arsc..

Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it?


resources from program jar C Workspace UI MyApp libs libmessaging.jar proguard Warning can't write resource META INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry libmessaging.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF proguard Copying resources from program jar C Workspace UI MyApp.. proguard Warning can't write resource META INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry libmessaging.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF proguard Copying resources from program jar C Workspace UI MyApp libs protobuf 2.3.0.jar proguard Warning can't write resource.. resources from program jar C Workspace UI MyApp libs protobuf 2.3.0.jar proguard Warning can't write resource META INF MANIFEST.MF Duplicate zip entry protobuf 2.3.0.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF proguard Printing classes to C Workspace Riptide1_1_ptr_74 WPG_HAWKSBILL..

Android Proguard Duplicate Definition


scala.xml 183 Can't write path bin projectname debug shrinked.jar Can't read path projectname libs jmdns.jar META INF MANIFEST.MF library.properties Duplicate zip entry jmdns.jar javax jmdns JmDNS Delegate.class I've made sure that the jar file is only..