

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:01

android Programming Glossary: mdb.rawquery

select distinct value in android sqlite


query SELECT DISTINCT category FROM event Cursor cursor mDb.rawQuery query null if cursor null cursor.moveToFirst return cursor so..

Querying and working with Cursors in SQLite on Android


SELECT FROM customer WHERE _id customerDbId Cursor mCursor mDb.rawQuery q null Customer customer new Customer mCursor in the Customer..

Android quotes within an sql query string


p_query select from mytable where name_field ' uvalue ' mDb.rawQuery p_query null if the user enters a single quote in their input.. parameter p_query select from mytable where name_field mDb.rawQuery p_query new String uvalue This not only solves your quotes problem..

Android record exists() in database?


class public boolean Exists String _id Cursor cursor mDb.rawQuery select 1 from yourTable where _id s new String _id boolean exists..

What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed]


String query SELECT locale FROM android_metadata return mDb.rawQuery query new String myVariable Usage AnyDBAdatper dba new AnyDBAdapter..

Android/SQLite IN clause and placeholders


String query SELECT FROM table WHERE name IN Cursor cursor mDb.rawQuery query new String names However android does not replace the.. query SELECT FROM table WHERE name IN names Cursor cursor mDb.rawQuery query null How can I get around this issue and be able to use.. WHERE name IN makePlaceholders names.length Cursor cursor mDb.rawQuery query names Just make sure to pass exactly as many values as..

How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate]


try String sql SELECT FROM myTable Cursor mCur mDb.rawQuery sql null if mCur null mCur.moveToNext return mCur catch..

select distinct value in android sqlite


the following raw query in android it seems not work String query SELECT DISTINCT category FROM event Cursor cursor mDb.rawQuery query null if cursor null cursor.moveToFirst return cursor so I decide to use the query method in android which are something..

Querying and working with Cursors in SQLite on Android


NULL email TEXT NOT NULL address TEXT get code String q SELECT FROM customer WHERE _id customerDbId Cursor mCursor mDb.rawQuery q null Customer customer new Customer mCursor in the Customer I access the fields like this mName cursor.getString 2 Ahh..

Android quotes within an sql query string


a query like the following uvalue EditText some user value p_query select from mytable where name_field ' uvalue ' mDb.rawQuery p_query null if the user enters a single quote in their input it crashes. If you change it to p_query select from mytable.. You should make use of the rawQuery method's selectionArgs parameter p_query select from mytable where name_field mDb.rawQuery p_query new String uvalue This not only solves your quotes problem but also mitigates SQL Injection . share improve this..

Android record exists() in database?


improve this question Consider that mDb is your SqlLiteDatabase class public boolean Exists String _id Cursor cursor mDb.rawQuery select 1 from yourTable where _id s new String _id boolean exists cursor.getCount 0 cursor.close return exists I keep your..

What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed]


dba.close public Cursor ExampleSelect string myVariable String query SELECT locale FROM android_metadata return mDb.rawQuery query new String myVariable Usage AnyDBAdatper dba new AnyDBAdapter contextObjecT dba.open dba.ExampleCommand en CA en..

Android/SQLite IN clause and placeholders


'name1' 'name2 in the code this is dynamically generated String query SELECT FROM table WHERE name IN Cursor cursor mDb.rawQuery query new String names However android does not replace the question mark with the correct values. I could do the following.. however this does not protect against sql injection String query SELECT FROM table WHERE name IN names Cursor cursor mDb.rawQuery query null How can I get around this issue and be able to use the IN clause Thanks. android sqlite share improve this.. do whatever is needed first String query SELECT FROM table WHERE name IN makePlaceholders names.length Cursor cursor mDb.rawQuery query names Just make sure to pass exactly as many values as places. The default maximum limit of host parameters in SQLite..

How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate]


this public void close mDbHelper.close public Cursor getTestData try String sql SELECT FROM myTable Cursor mCur mDb.rawQuery sql null if mCur null mCur.moveToNext return mCur catch SQLException mSQLException Log.e TAG getTestData mSQLException.toString..