

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:17

android Programming Glossary: mfacebook

upload video to facebook in android


AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncFbRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle params new Bundle convert to byte stream FileInputStream..

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This bit of code worked for me private Facebook mFacebook private AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner private void onFacebookShare.. mAsyncRunner private void onFacebookShare mFacebook new Facebook mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook.. new Facebook mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook SessionEvents.addAuthListener new SampleAuthListener SessionEvents.addLogoutListener..

Android and Facebook: How to get picture of logged in User


the uid and the name of the facebook user like so Facebook mFacebook new Facebook APP_ID ... user logs in ... String jsonUser mFacebook.request.. new Facebook APP_ID ... user logs in ... String jsonUser mFacebook.request me picture throws error String jsonUser mFacebook.request.. mFacebook.request me picture throws error String jsonUser mFacebook.request me JSONObject obj Util.parseJson jsonUser String facebookId..

Facebook API for Android: how to get extended info regarding user`s friends?


friends_website offline_access mLoginButton.init this mFacebook sPermissions Following request works fine returns a list of.. facebook graph api share improve this question Use mFacebook.request graphpath bundle method Bundle will have parameters..

Is it possible to “Like” a “fan page” using the Facebook SDK?


like objects such as wall comments using code like this mFacebook new Facebook APP_ID SessionStore.restore mFacebook this mAsyncRunner.. this mFacebook new Facebook APP_ID SessionStore.restore mFacebook this mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle parameters.. mFacebook this mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle parameters new Bundle mAsyncRunner.request COMMENT_ID..

Unable to retrieve access token for facebook on real device


sdk only to get the Facebook friends information.... mFacebook new Facebook api_id mFacebook.authorize this new String publish_stream.. friends information.... mFacebook new Facebook api_id mFacebook.authorize this new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access.. email read_friendlists manage_friendlists this sToken mFacebook.getAccessToken public void onComplete Bundle values Log.e oncomplete..

Android: get facebook friends list


list. Can anybody help me with this Edit try Facebook mFacebook new Facebook Constants.FB_APP_ID AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner.. AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString fields birthday mFacebook.request.. Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString fields birthday mFacebook.request me friends bundle catch Exception e Log.e Constants.LOGTAG..

how to find out or fetch all friend list of facebook with their profile pic,name and id


from Facebook. I have implemented code like this Facebook mFacebook new Facebook 141118172662401 AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner.. AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle params new Bundle params.putString fields name id mAsyncRunner.request.. name getString R.string.app_action Utility.mFacebook.dialog FriendsList.this feed params new PostDialogListener ..

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in the line params.putString filename selectedviedoPath AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncFbRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle params new Bundle convert to byte stream FileInputStream is new FileInputStream new File selectedviedoPath ByteArrayOutputStream..

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are doing that bit of code after the user successfully authenticates This bit of code worked for me private Facebook mFacebook private AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner private void onFacebookShare mFacebook new Facebook mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner.. of code worked for me private Facebook mFacebook private AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner private void onFacebookShare mFacebook new Facebook mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook SessionEvents.addAuthListener new SampleAuthListener SessionEvents.addLogoutListener.. mAsyncRunner private void onFacebookShare mFacebook new Facebook mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook SessionEvents.addAuthListener new SampleAuthListener SessionEvents.addLogoutListener new SampleLogoutListener private void..

Android and Facebook: How to get picture of logged in User


in my Android Application. After the user logs in I can get the uid and the name of the facebook user like so Facebook mFacebook new Facebook APP_ID ... user logs in ... String jsonUser mFacebook.request me picture throws error String jsonUser mFacebook.request.. and the name of the facebook user like so Facebook mFacebook new Facebook APP_ID ... user logs in ... String jsonUser mFacebook.request me picture throws error String jsonUser mFacebook.request me JSONObject obj Util.parseJson jsonUser String facebookId.. new Facebook APP_ID ... user logs in ... String jsonUser mFacebook.request me picture throws error String jsonUser mFacebook.request me JSONObject obj Util.parseJson jsonUser String facebookId obj.optString id String name obj.optString name I also..

Facebook API for Android: how to get extended info regarding user`s friends?


friends_about_me friends_birthday friends_location friends_website offline_access mLoginButton.init this mFacebook sPermissions Following request works fine returns a list of id name pairs mAsyncRunner.request me friends new SampleRequestListener.. get user`s frineds info bday location gender and so on android facebook graph api share improve this question Use mFacebook.request graphpath bundle method Bundle will have parameters which will be like this graphpath me friends bundle.putString..

Is it possible to “Like” a “fan page” using the Facebook SDK?


fan page from within an Android app. I am able to successfully like objects such as wall comments using code like this mFacebook new Facebook APP_ID SessionStore.restore mFacebook this mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle parameters.. like objects such as wall comments using code like this mFacebook new Facebook APP_ID SessionStore.restore mFacebook this mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle parameters new Bundle mAsyncRunner.request COMMENT_ID likes parameters.. code like this mFacebook new Facebook APP_ID SessionStore.restore mFacebook this mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle parameters new Bundle mAsyncRunner.request COMMENT_ID likes parameters POST new MyRequestListener However if I put..

Unable to retrieve access token for facebook on real device


me how to get access token on real device... I am using android sdk only to get the Facebook friends information.... mFacebook new Facebook api_id mFacebook.authorize this new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access friends_birthday user_birthday.. real device... I am using android sdk only to get the Facebook friends information.... mFacebook new Facebook api_id mFacebook.authorize this new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access friends_birthday user_birthday email read_friendlists.. read_stream offline_access friends_birthday user_birthday email read_friendlists manage_friendlists this sToken mFacebook.getAccessToken public void onComplete Bundle values Log.e oncomplete value if values.isEmpty Log.e oncomplete value is..

Android: get facebook friends list


post messages on walls. Now I need to fetch the Facebook friends list. Can anybody help me with this Edit try Facebook mFacebook new Facebook Constants.FB_APP_ID AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle bundle new Bundle.. Edit try Facebook mFacebook new Facebook Constants.FB_APP_ID AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString fields birthday mFacebook.request me friends bundle catch Exception e Log.e Constants.LOGTAG.. mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle bundle new Bundle bundle.putString fields birthday mFacebook.request me friends bundle catch Exception e Log.e Constants.LOGTAG CLASSTAG Exception e.getMessage When I execute my activity..

how to find out or fetch all friend list of facebook with their profile pic,name and id


application in which I have to fetch all the friends list from Facebook. I have implemented code like this Facebook mFacebook new Facebook 141118172662401 AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle params new Bundle.. like this Facebook mFacebook new Facebook 141118172662401 AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle params new Bundle params.putString fields name id mAsyncRunner.request me friends params GET new FriendListRequestListener.. params.putString picture Utility.HACK_ICON_URL params.putString name getString R.string.app_action Utility.mFacebook.dialog FriendsList.this feed params new PostDialogListener .setNegativeButton R.string.no null .show catch JSONException..