

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:18

android Programming Glossary: mgr

Android AlarmManager


a snippet showing the setup of AlarmManager AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE.. PendingIntent pi PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 i 0 mgr.setRepeating AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP SystemClock.elapsedRealtime..

How To Get File In Assets From Android NDK


allows. From here AAssetDir assetDir AAssetManager_openDir mgr const char filename const char NULL while filename AAssetDir_getNextFileName.. assetDir NULL AAsset asset AAssetManager_open mgr filename AASSET_MODE_STREAMING char buf BUFSIZ int nb_read 0..

How can I get a directory listing of resources from my Android app?


the assets directory tree. void displayFiles AssetManager mgr String path try String list mgr.list path if list null for int.. displayFiles AssetManager mgr String path try String list mgr.list path if list null for int i 0 i list.length i Log.v Assets.. 0 i list.length i Log.v Assets path list i displayFiles mgr path list i catch IOException e Log.v List error can't list..

Launching activity from widget


toggle_widget Enabled is being called AppWidgetManager mgr AppWidgetManager.getInstance context retrieve a ref to the..

Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio


if f.exists f.delete InputMethodManager mgr InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE.. getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE mgr.showSoftInput mPhotoImageView InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT..

Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android


new Scheme https socketFactory 443 SingleClientConnManager mgr new SingleClientConnManager client.getParams registry DefaultHttpClient.. DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier..

Forcing the Soft Keyboard open


Note it is a TextView not EditText . InputMethodManager mgr InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE.. only will trigger it if no physical keyboard is open mgr.showSoftInput mAnswerTextView InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT..

Android HttpClient and HTTPS


params new BasicHttpParams SingleClientConnManager mgr new SingleClientConnManager params schemeRegistry HttpClient..

Android: How to auto-restart application after it's been “force closed”?


Than in your uncaughtException method AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE mgr.set.. mgr AlarmManager getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE mgr.set AlarmManager.RTC System.currentTimeMillis 2000 intent System.exit..

android: using ActivityGroup to embed activities


inner activity. Something like this LocalActivityManager mgr getLocalActivityManager Intent i new Intent this SomeActivity.class.. Intent i new Intent this SomeActivity.class Window w mgr.startActivity unique_per_activity_string i View wd w null w.getDecorView..

Stopping & Starting music on incoming calls


state incomingNumber TelephonyManager mgr TelephonyManager getSystemService TELEPHONY_SERVICE if mgr null.. mgr TelephonyManager getSystemService TELEPHONY_SERVICE if mgr null mgr.listen phoneStateListener PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE.. getSystemService TELEPHONY_SERVICE if mgr null mgr.listen phoneStateListener PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE..

How can I keep my Android service running when the screen is turned off?


open even if the screen is off. To acquire PowerManager mgr PowerManager context.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE.. Context.POWER_SERVICE WakeLock wakeLock mgr.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK MyWakeLock wakeLock.acquire..

howto programatically “restart” android app?


PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE.. context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE mgr.set AlarmManager.RTC System.currentTimeMillis 100 mPendingIntent..

Android AlarmManager


code is not that easy when it comes to AlarmManager . Here is a snippet showing the setup of AlarmManager AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent context OnAlarmReceiver.class PendingIntent.. Intent i new Intent context OnAlarmReceiver.class PendingIntent pi PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 i 0 mgr.setRepeating AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP SystemClock.elapsedRealtime PERIOD pi In this example I am using setRepeating..

How To Get File In Assets From Android NDK


process the chunk you got from your asset file if OSG allows. From here AAssetDir assetDir AAssetManager_openDir mgr const char filename const char NULL while filename AAssetDir_getNextFileName assetDir NULL AAsset asset AAssetManager_open.. char filename const char NULL while filename AAssetDir_getNextFileName assetDir NULL AAsset asset AAssetManager_open mgr filename AASSET_MODE_STREAMING char buf BUFSIZ int nb_read 0 FILE out fopen filename w while nb_read AAsset_read asset buf..

How can I get a directory listing of resources from my Android app?


to do this And I am using the following method to print out the assets directory tree. void displayFiles AssetManager mgr String path try String list mgr.list path if list null for int i 0 i list.length i Log.v Assets path list i displayFiles.. method to print out the assets directory tree. void displayFiles AssetManager mgr String path try String list mgr.list path if list null for int i 0 i list.length i Log.v Assets path list i displayFiles mgr path list i catch IOException.. path try String list mgr.list path if list null for int i 0 i list.length i Log.v Assets path list i displayFiles mgr path list i catch IOException e Log.v List error can't list path From my Activity's onCreate method I do the following..

Launching activity from widget


luckily. @Override public void onEnabled Context context Log.v toggle_widget Enabled is being called AppWidgetManager mgr AppWidgetManager.getInstance context retrieve a ref to the manager so we can pass a view update Intent i new Intent i.setClassName..

Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio


Delete the temporary file File f new File mImageCaptureUri.getPath if f.exists f.delete InputMethodManager mgr InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE mgr.showSoftInput mPhotoImageView InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT.. if f.exists f.delete InputMethodManager mgr InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE mgr.showSoftInput mPhotoImageView InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT break case PICK_FROM_CAMERA Wysie_Soh After an image is taken..

Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android


X509HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier registry.register new Scheme https socketFactory 443 SingleClientConnManager mgr new SingleClientConnManager client.getParams registry DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams.. mgr new SingleClientConnManager client.getParams registry DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier Example send http request final..

Forcing the Soft Keyboard open


I would like the Soft Keyboardto open below mAnswerTextView Note it is a TextView not EditText . InputMethodManager mgr InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE only will trigger it if no physical keyboard is open mgr.showSoftInput.. InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE only will trigger it if no physical keyboard is open mgr.showSoftInput mAnswerTextView InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT how do I force the Soft Keyboard open How do I gab everything..

Android HttpClient and HTTPS


new Scheme https SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory 443 HttpParams params new BasicHttpParams SingleClientConnManager mgr new SingleClientConnManager params schemeRegistry HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient mgr params share improve this..

Android: How to auto-restart application after it's been “force closed”?


.getBaseContext 0 new Intent getIntent getIntent .getFlags Than in your uncaughtException method AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE mgr.set AlarmManager.RTC System.currentTimeMillis 2000 intent System.exit.. .getFlags Than in your uncaughtException method AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE mgr.set AlarmManager.RTC System.currentTimeMillis 2000 intent System.exit 2 Without calling System.exit will not work. This..

android: using ActivityGroup to embed activities


to the LocalActivityManager and use it to start and embed the inner activity. Something like this LocalActivityManager mgr getLocalActivityManager Intent i new Intent this SomeActivity.class Window w mgr.startActivity unique_per_activity_string.. like this LocalActivityManager mgr getLocalActivityManager Intent i new Intent this SomeActivity.class Window w mgr.startActivity unique_per_activity_string i View wd w null w.getDecorView null if wd null mSomeContainer.addView wd Note..

Stopping & Starting music on incoming calls


A call is dialing active or on hold super.onCallStateChanged state incomingNumber TelephonyManager mgr TelephonyManager getSystemService TELEPHONY_SERVICE if mgr null mgr.listen phoneStateListener PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE.. state incomingNumber TelephonyManager mgr TelephonyManager getSystemService TELEPHONY_SERVICE if mgr null mgr.listen phoneStateListener PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE Remember to unregister the listener when it's no.. state incomingNumber TelephonyManager mgr TelephonyManager getSystemService TELEPHONY_SERVICE if mgr null mgr.listen phoneStateListener PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE Remember to unregister the listener when it's no longer needed..

How can I keep my Android service running when the screen is turned off?


A partial WakeLock is what you want. It will hold the CPU open even if the screen is off. To acquire PowerManager mgr PowerManager context.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE WakeLock wakeLock mgr.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK.. is off. To acquire PowerManager mgr PowerManager context.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE WakeLock wakeLock mgr.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK MyWakeLock wakeLock.acquire To release wakeLock.release WakeLock also supports..

howto programatically “restart” android app?


PendingIntent.getActivity context mPendingIntentId mStartActivity PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager context.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE mgr.set AlarmManager.RTC System.currentTimeMillis 100 mPendingIntent..